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  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The KD490 product identifies the turbidity of the water column, i.e., how visible light in the blue-green region of the spectrum penetrates within the water column. It is directly related to the presence of scattering particles in the water column. This product is derived from OLCI and remapped at nominal 300m spatial resolution using cylindrical equirectangular projection. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. By comparing reflectances at different wavelengths and calibrating the result against in-situ measurements, an estimate of in water absorption parameters can be derived. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' Detailed description of cal/val is given in the relevant QUID, associated validation reports and quality documentation. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean - The product contains monthly Level-4 sea surface wind and stress fields at 0.25 degrees horizontal spatial resolution. The monthly averaged wind and stress fields are based on monthly average ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis fields, corrected for persistent biases using all available Level-3 scatterometer observations from the Metop-A, Metop-B and Metop-C ASCAT, QuikSCAT SeaWinds and ERS-1 and ERS-2 SCAT satellite instruments. The applied bias corrections, the standard deviation of the differences and the number of observations used to calculate the monthly average persistent bias are included in the product. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome operationally produces Level-4 product includes monthly averaged datasets of the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (Kd490) for multi-sensor (MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS, Sentinel3A-OLCI at 300m of resolution) (at 1 km resolution) and Sentinel3A-OLCI observations (at 300m resolution). Kd490 is the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm, and is a measure of the turbidity of the water column, i.e., how visible light in the blue-green region of the spectrum penetrates the water column. It is directly related to the presence of absorbing and scattering matter in the water column and is estimated through the ratio between Rrs at 490 and 555 nm. For the multi-sensor dataset, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by the GOS. The QAA allows the inversion of the radiative transfer equations to compute the Inherent Optical Properties. Level-4 product includes monthly averages along with the standard deviation and the number of observations in the period of integration. '''Processing information:''' Multi-sensor products are constituted by MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS and Sentinel3A-OLCI. For consistency with NASA L2 dataset, BRDF correction was applied to Sentinel3A-OLCI prior to band shifting and multi sensor merging. Hence, the single sensor OLCI data set is also distributed after BRDF correction. Single sensor NASA Level-2 data are destriped and then all Level-2 data are remapped at 1 km spatial resolution (300m for Sentinel3A-OLCI) using cylindrical equirectangular projection. Afterwards, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Rome). Then geophysical fields (i.e. chlorophyll, kd490, bbp, aph and adg) are estimated via state-of-the-art algorithms for better product quality. Time averages are computed on the delayed-time data. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names :''' *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l4-kd490_1km_monthly-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l4-kd490_300m_monthly-rt '''Files format:''' *CF-1.4 *INSPIRE compliant '''DOI (product) :'''

  • Le Répertoire National des Associations (RNA) contient l’ensemble des associations relevant de la loi 1901, à savoir toutes les associations de France, dont le siège est déclaré en métropole ou dans les départements d’outre-mer, sauf dans les départements de la Moselle, du Bas-Rhin et du Haut-Rhin, qui relèvent du régime du Concordat. Le RNA contient également les associations reconnues d’utilité publique (dites "ARUP"). Les associations relevant de la loi 1901 sont déclarées en préfecture ou en sous-préfecture (au greffe des associations) : la création et les changements de statuts, tels que la modification du nom, du siège, des dirigeants, etc. doivent être déclarés et sont mis à jour dans la base du RNA. La mise à jour est effective une fois les données validées par le greffe ou suite à la publication au Journal officiel des associations et des fondations d’entreprise (JOAFE) d’une création, d’une dissolution (obligatoire) ou d’un changement de situation (publication au JOAFE non obligatoires). --- Etat de disponibilité de la donnée : - Data.gouv : donnée téléchargeable au format csv et mise à jour mensuelle.

  • This data set corresponds to the global offshore wind farm boundaries with the following attributes for each project: + WindfarmId (ID of the windfarm) + Name (Name of the windfarm) + Country (Country code) + Status (Status code) + WindfarmStatus (Windfarm Status or Project Status) + StatusComments (Comments on the Windfarm Status or Project Status) + CapacityMWMin (Capacity of the windfarm - Min) + CapacityMWMax (Capacity of the windfarm - Max) + NoTurbinesMin (Number of turbines - Min) + NoTurbinesMax (Number of turbines - Max) + Comments (Comments) + TurbineMWMin (Capacity of the turbine (set-up in the windfarm) - Min) + TurbineMWMax (Capacity of the turbine (set-up in the windfarm) - Max) + OtherNames (Other name of the windfarm) + CountryName (Country where the windfarm is set) + Lat (Geographic coordinate - centre latitude) + Lon (Geographic coordinate - centre longitude) + IsEstimatedLocation (This is where we know that a project exists but we don't know its exact location.) + IsOnHold + Developers (Developer(s) of the windfarm) + Owners (Owner of the windfarm) + Operators (Operator of the windfarm) + OffshoreConstructionStarts The frequency of the database release is monthly. This data set corresponds to the release of January 2020. This data set is strictly for internal EEA use as is subjected to a commercial license. Given the limited user subscriptions available, interested users should contact the SDI Team ( to be granted access to the data set.

  • Created in 2015, it follows on from the RESCO launched in 2009, and REMORa launched in 1993. In 2015, the structure and operation of the former RESCO network was used to implement planned monitoring of oysters. More specifically, the sentinel batches used by the network, representing 3 age classes (6 months, 18 months of the previous year and 30 months of the previous year) are monitored regularly (frequency: bi-monthly or monthly). throughout the year at 12 national sites (corresponding to former RESCO sites). At each passage, counts are made to assess the mortality rate, and different types of laboratory diagnostic tests will be performed: - initially, the new spat batches (Ifremer Standardized Spats) will undergo specific PCR analyzes to search for potentially present infectious agents (OsHV-1 and Vibrio aestuarianus) but also non-specific analyzes (histology, classical bacteriology) for the possible detection of other pathogenis agents ; - for the detection of emerging diseases, the first dying batches detected for each age group, for each site, will undergo specific laboratory (OsHV-1 and Vibrio aestuarianus PCR) and non-specific (histology) diagnostic tests in order to detect as early as possible emerging diseases in these sentinel batches; - for the detection of exotic diseases, in the absence of a hierarchy of exotic diseases being available for oysters, it was decided to monitor the parasite Mikrocytos mackini because infection with this parasite is regulated at European level, on one of the RESCOII sites (Loix en Ré) previously identified as a site at risk with respect to the introduction of this parasite. In addition to these mortality follow-ups and the laboratory diagnoses, each site is equipped with a probe to allow it to gather environmental parameters (temperature, pressure, salinity) at high frequency. The various results are stored in the Quadrige² database, and are available for the various actors involved. The network is closely linked to a dedicated website which allows the dissemination of objectives, protocols and results, and which will be updated every month. In parallel, newsletters summarizing the results obtained are sent by e-mail every month to the State services.

  • '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- Gridded objective analysis fields of temperature and salinity using profiles from the in-situ near real time database are produced monthly. Objective analysis is based on a statistical estimation method that allows presenting a synthesis and a validation of the dataset, providing a support for localized experience (cruises), providing a validation source for operational models, observing seasonal cycle and inter-annual variability. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived'''                For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean - The product contains daily L3 gridded sea surface wind observations from available scatterometers with resolutions corresponding to the L2 swath products: *0.5 degrees grid for the 50 km scatterometer L2 inputs, *0.25 degrees grid based on 25 km scatterometer swath observations, *and 0.125 degrees based on 12.5 km scatterometer swath observations, i.e., from the coastal products. Data from ascending and descending passes are gridded separately. The reported wind is stress-equivalent wind with wind stress, wind stress curl and divergence. The REP L3 products follow the REP availability of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF L2 products and are available for: The ASCAT scatterometer on MetOp-A and Metop-B at 0.125 and 0.25 degrees; The Seawinds scatterometer on QuikSCAT at 0.25 and 0.5 degrees; The AMI scatterometer on ERS-1 and ERS-2 at 0.25 degrees; The OSCAT scatterometer on Oceansat-2 at 0.25 and 0.5 degrees; '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean - The product contains hourly Level-4 sea surface wind and stress fields at 0.125 and 0.25 degrees horizontal spatial resolution. Scatterometer observations and their collocated European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5 reanalysis model variables are used to calculate temporally-averaged difference fields. These fields are used to correct for persistent biases in hourly ECMWF ERA5 model fields. Bias corrections are based on scatterometer observations from Metop-A, Metop-B, Metop-C ASCAT (0.125 degrees) and QuikSCAT SeaWinds, ERS-1 and ERS-2 SCAT (0.25 degrees). The product provides stress-equivalent wind and stress variables as well as their divergence and curl. The applied bias corrections, the standard deviation of the differences (for wind and stress fields) and difference of variances (for divergence and curl fields) are included in the product. '''DOI (product) :'''