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Temporal series (annual mean values) and Long Term Average (LTA) of sediment load for each river mouth where in situ data is available. Different sources can be mixed if any.
Data from a number of different sources have been integrated to provide new perspectives on fishing activities. Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) record and transmit the position and speed of fishing vessels at intervals of two hours or less. Fishing time can be calculated from the VMS data and combining this parameter with vessel logbook data, maps of fishing effort and intensity at different spatial and temporal scales can be calculated. The statistical software package “R” is used to extract the required information then re-interrogated to produce maps of fishing effort or intensity per month and year. The use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data was not considered as combining AIS data with fisheries logbook data would pose issues namely; the ability of the AIS system to be switched off, only mandatory on vessels > 15 meters in length, cost involved to purchase data, and confidentiality.
This data product selects sample areas of digital bathymetry, chosen for their relevance to marine activities and data sources alternative to GEBCO. The approach for building the digital map of water depth is to use GEBCO as a baseline and look at a set of sample areas where GEBCO could be improved upon. Sample areas have also been selected to be representative of each continent bordering the Atlantic and expected future requirements. Data sources include GEBCO, EMODNET, USGS and CHS.
Gestion de la taxe de séjour des Etablissements Touristiques aux forfaits (Montant/suivi déclaration/suivi facturation) à l'échelle des communautés de communes.
This product is a map of the uncertainty of available digital bathymetry measurements for the North Atlantic Ocean. This is done for a spatial resolution feasible for this large area (25km x 25km). It is designed to assess the quality of the bathymetry readings with a view to supporting assessments of future need. The product is formulated through a number of characteristics of the data including age of measurement and slope.
ICES hosts data collected from both net trawl surveys (primarily bottom trawling), and from echo sounding (acoustic sampling in the pelagic zone). The net trawls are primarily hosted in the DATRAS data portal, and the acoustics in the acoustic trawl surveys portal. DATRAS (the Database of Trawl Surveys) stores data collected primarily from bottom trawl fish surveys coordinated by ICES expert groups. The survey data are covering the Baltic Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Bay of Biscay and the eastern Atlantic from the Shetlands to Gibraltar. At present, there are more than 45 years of continuous time series data in DATRAS, and survey data are continuously updated by national institutions. The acoustic database hosts information on fisheries observations collected from various pelagic surveys coordinated by ICES and falls into two categories: acoustic data, derived from readings taken on vessels, and those obtained through trawls in the open ocean – pelagic – zone. Combined, this provides key biological data on fish stocks such as herring, mackerel and blue whiting as well as krill and other prey species. The data from both systems are used for stock assessments and fish community studies by the ICES community and form the basis of management advice to the relevant regulatory bodies.
Calculation of the average annual sediment balance per stretch of coast for the past 10 years for all coastal zones bordering the North Atlantic Ocean. For this scale of study, this has been interpreted in terms of shoreline advance / retreat in mm/year. Required data sources are therefore national or international datasets giving this parameter directly. It is also possible to utilise more aggregated data sources, but annual values would then be approximated from them. The main challenge in producing this product lies with obtaining datasets which include this data from multiple countries and potentially multiple languages, since this data is usually produced as a result of comparatively small scale studies.
Potentialités agronomiques par culture (blé, haricot, maïs, orge, tabac et tournesol).
Localisation et description des sentiers de randonnées (GR, PDIPR, itinérance à pied, chemin local,sans classement). Localisation et description des tronçons (accessibilité/nature du sol/état...). Bornes/mats (description/état/historique des interventions...) Mobiliers (description/état/historique des interventions...)
Temporal series (annual mean values) and Long Term Average (LTA) of sediment load for each river mouth where in situ data is available. Different sources can be mixed if any.