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Validated and aggregated data from current profilers measured continuously by hull-mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) for the year 2010.
Validated and aggregated data from current profilers measured continuously by hull-mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) for the year 2005.
Validated and aggregated data from current profilers measured continuously by hull-mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) for the year 2007.
Validated and aggregated data from current profilers measured continuously by hull-mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) for the year 2015.
Flights over France’s metropolitan waters and border areas to observe seabirds, marine mammals, other species of megafauna in open water and human activity (floating waste), with the aim of producing an inventory of spatial distribution and species abundance, and to evaluate spatial and temporal variability. This part, complemented by other work in the PACOMM programme, provides information which is collated and used for designating and managing protected marine areas to meet requirements for community conservation and promotion of marine areas (Natura 2000, MSFD, local and regional maritime conventions, etc.).
G maps represent the nature of the sea floor in the background of a maritime map used in navigation. Most such maps are published at a scale of nearly 1/50 000, and are as often as possible drawn up within the context of collaborations with university laboratories with knowledge of the area to be mapped.
Inventory of shipping containers lost at sea (both declared and POLREPs). The Cedre continually records all the events at sea of which it is informed, and analyses the POLREP observation reports (maritime monitoring from all CROSS, navy and customs installations). The programme does not include active searching. Monitoring is therefore incomplete as it relates to past evens and pollution reports (POLREPS).