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Technology readiness levels are a widely used metric of technology maturity and risk for marine renewable energy devices. To-date, a large number of device concepts have been proposed which have reached the early validation stages of development. Only a handful of mature designs have attained pre-commercial development status following prototype sea trials. In order to navigate through the aptly named “valley of death” towards commercial realisation, it is necessary for new technologies to be de-risked in terms of component durability and reliability. In this paper the scope of the reliability assessment module of the DTOcean design tool is outlined including aspects of tool integration, data provision and how prediction uncertainties are accounted for
In order to make an informed decision on which tools to use for hydrodynamic analysis of array layouts of ocean energy converters, an assessment of capabilities of available tools has been carried out and is presented in this report both for wave energy converter arrays and tidal energy converter arrays
This report outlines the proposed architecture and main functions of the DTOcean mooring and foundation design module and its interaction with other elements and modules of the tool
This document extensively reviews the key offshore logistics operations driving the development of an array of wave or tidal energy devices. A large amount of information with relevance for the development of the DTOcean lifecycle logistics module was compiled in a systematic approach.
This deliverable includes the proposed logistic model architecture in terms of flow charts, including data flows within the model and with other DTOcean modules and external databases and tools.
This report presents the uncertainties and environmental impact dependencies on array changes. This document includes content about wave and tidal uncertainties as well as environmental issues related to array design
In this paper, the applicability of offshore mooring/foundation technologies for marine renewable energy device arrays are assessed
Project website is one of the main communication and dissemination tools. Web presence is therefore a central element of the DTOcean project and activities
This report presents the evaluation according to costs estimation of different maintenance strategies
With the DTOcean software at an important stage in its development, the first of two training workshops foreseen by the project was organised on 5 May 2015, in Glasgow, alongside the All-Energy conference. The workshop was organised with the following goals in mind: validate decisions taken to date with industry stakeholders; generate feedback which will further align the tool with industry needs; and promote the DTOcean tool and enhance its eventual uptake as a result