/Human Activities/Ocean Observation Network
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The SeaDataNet aggregated datasets over the Atlantic Ocean are regional ODV historical collections of all temperature and salinity measurements contained within SeaDataNet database and covering 3 European sea basins: North Arctic Ocean, North Sea, North Atlantic Ocean. Two versions have been published during SeaDataNet 2 and they represent a snapshot of the SeaDataNet database content at two different times: • V1.1 January 2014 • V2 March 2015 Each of them is the result of the Quality Check Strategy (QCS) implemented during SeaDataNet 2 that contributed to highly improve the quality of temperature and salinity data. The QCS is made by four main phases: 1. data harvesting from the central CDI 2. file and parameter aggregation 3. quality check analysis at regional level 4. analysis and correction of data anomalies. The aggregated datasets have been prepared and quality checked using ODV software.
SeaDataNet gridded climatologies are based on the SeaDataNet Temperature and Salinity historical data collection v1.1. For the Atlantic Ocean there are covering 2 European sea basins: North Arctic Ocean, and North Atlantic Ocean The preparation of the products has also improved the quality, the consistency and the overall coherence of the data made available by SeaDataNet. They have been computed using DIVA software.
DATRAS North Sea Bottom Trawl Survey
ICES database of trawl surveys
DATRAS North Sea Bottom Trawl Survey
VOS/SOOP tracks are usually repeated several times a year and inform about the marine sinks and sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide on a global bases and their variability. Data from this network has been made available to the scientific community and interested public via the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre (CDIAC) Oceans at the Department of Energy, USA, since the early 1990’s where PIs submitted and shared their data. In 2017, CDIAC Ocean will be named Ocean Carbon Data System (OCADS) and join NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). In 2007, the marine biogeochemistry community coordinated by the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), launched the Surface Ocean Carbon Dioxide ATlas (SOCAT) in order to uniformly quality control and format the data with detailed documentation. Underway carbon dioxide data from the VOS network are integrated in SOCAT.
The Drifting Buoys GDAC -Global Data Assembly Centre- is the repository of surface drifters data. Both NRT -Near Real Time- and DM -Delayed Mode- data are available on the GDAC. Drifters report generally trajectories, sea-surface temperatures, atmospheric pressures at sea-level, as well as sea-surface salinity or sub-surface temperature in the ocean top layer.