/Imagery/Satellite Imagery
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Monthly mean of absorption coefficient minus water absorption (anw) at 412nm (2002-2012) for coastal areas, at global scale, for MERIS sensor, with POLYMER atmospheric corrections. Ref: Loisel (in prep)
90th percentile calculated during the productive period of the WFD (March-October) from 2003 to 2009, from the MODIS Chl-a algorithm processed by Ifremer OC5.
Monthly mean of colored dissolved organic matter absorption (acdom) at 412 nm (2002-2012) for coastal areas, at global scale, for MERIS sensor, with POLYMER atmospheric corrections. Ref: V Vantrepotte, F Danhiez, H Loisel, S Ouillon, X Mériaux, A Cauvin and D Dessailly. CDOM-DOC relationship in contrasted coastalwaters: implication for DOC retrieval from ocean color remote sensing observation. OPTICS EXPRESS 33 Vol. 23, No. 1 DOI:10.1364/OE.23.000033 2015
Daily maps of chlorophyll, mineral materials in suspension and turbidity (in addition to the KPAR attenuation coefficient) in photosynthesis wavelength) are drawn up from marine reflectance data (water colour) provided directly by space agencies (NASA, Agence Spatiale Européenne, EUMETSAT), or by the MyOcean/GMES project on which Ifremer collaborates. Multi sensor maps are also offered by interpolation in order to provide information, even in the presence of cloud cover. Reflectance data is processed by Ifremer algorithms and will enhance an archive which began in 1998. The data is continuously validated thanks to in situ measurements which are mostly provided by equipped buoys or the REPHY network.
This product is established from one of the SMOS product: the optical thickness. The optical thickness or VOD is obtained directly from SMOS data by use of the multi-angular capability. For low vegetation (grass, crops,...) it is linked mainly to the water content while for forested areas it is more linked to the above ground biomass (AGB). The product is a yearly aggregation of AGB derived using different references (ESA BIOMASS CCI, Avitabile AGB estimates etc...) and is available for SMOS life time (2010 - now)
This product is the daily product of soil moisture, and contains filtered data. The retrievals are based on a multi-orbit retrieval algorithm. A detection of freeze and snow is performed and added to the flags. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
This product is a synthesis product of brightness temperatures for L-Band frequency. It includes all brightness temperatures acquired that very day by the SMOS satellite operating in full pol mode. Values correspond to those at the top of the atmosphere level, transformed to the ground polarisation reference frame, binned and averaged into fixed incidence angle classes. This product is available on each of the EASE2 grid projections (cylindrical and polar).
Monthly mean of backscattering coefficient (bbp) at 490nm (2002-2012) for coastal areas, at global scale, for MERIS sensor, with POLYMER atmospheric corrections. Ref: Loisel in prep.
Monthly mean of diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) at 490nm (2002-2012), from Jamet et al (2012), for coastal areas, at global scale, for MERIS sensor, with POLYMER atmospheric corrections. Ref: Jamet et al, Retrieval of the spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient Kd(l) in open and coastal ocean waters using a neural network inversion, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C10023, doi:10.1029/2012JC008076.