/Metropolitan France/Eastern Channel - North Sea
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-- Warning, deliverable only available in French -- Delivrable D02.05 of the FEM PHYSIC 2015 project WP 2: Definition of the data acquisition strategy Task 2: Choice of measuring instruments
-- Warning, deliverable only available in French -- Delivrable D02.05 of the FEM PHYSIC 2015 project WP 2: Definition of the data acquisition strategy Task 2: Choice of measuring instruments
-- Warning, deliverable only available in French -- Delivrable D02.05 of the FEM PHYSIC 2015 project WP 2: Definition of the data acquisition strategy Task 2: Choice of measuring instruments
-- Warning, deliverable only available in French -- Delivrable D02.05 of the FEM PHYSIC 2015 project WP 2: Definition of the data acquisition strategy Task 2: Choice of measuring instruments
-- Warning, deliverable only available in French -- Deliverable D02.03 of the FEM PHYSIC 2015 project Lot 2: Definition of the data acquisition strategy Task 1: Synthesis of knowledge
Backup of the data used for characterising the different biofouling monitoring protocols in an excel file.
This document is the first annual report on dissemination and communication activities regarding DTOceanPlus project.
Technology readiness levels are a widely used metric of technology maturity and risk for marine renewable energy devices. To-date, a large number of device concepts have been proposed which have reached the early validation stages of development. Only a handful of mature designs have attained pre-commercial development status following prototype sea trials. In order to navigate through the aptly named “valley of death” towards commercial realisation, it is necessary for new technologies to be de-risked in terms of component durability and reliability. In this paper the scope of the reliability assessment module of the DTOcean design tool is outlined including aspects of tool integration, data provision and how prediction uncertainties are accounted for
Numerical simulations applied on the study sites
This document presents an analysis of the isotopic ratios of organisms sampled on the site of the future Windfarm.