/Uses and Human Activities/Fisheries and aquaculture
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The activity calendars of fishing vessels reconstituted each year provide access to the following monthly fishing data: main operating port, number of pepole on board, number of days at sea and of, trade (s) practiced ( s), exploited fishing areas and their distance from the coast. Annual data on the dimension and mesh size of the engines used to practice a trade are also provided.
The aim of these cruises, which took place on the Thalia, was to evaluate the abundance of the scallop stock in the Charentais channels.
Definition of Classified Shellfish Farming Areas. Boundaries are defined by prefectural classification decrees provided to the International Office for Water (OIEau) by the Departmental Offices for Maritime affairs (DDAM) Annual Layer created by OIEau.
The ORHAGO cruises (Observation of the benthic aquatic resources of the GOlfe de Gascogne) are part of Ifremer's mission of observation and expertise in support of fisheries management. Their main aim is to obtain series of abundance indices for flatfish and in particular for sole. Consequently, the choice was made to adopt a beam trawl to comply with the standards of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) for flatfish. This choice has made it possible to be part of the campaigns coordinated by ICES and thus to be a member of a community in which the methodology and results can be discussed each year in the ICES WGBEAM working groups. Since 2013, the ORHAGO campaigns have been used to assess the state of the Bay of Biscay sole stock. They allow this assessment to be carried out analytically, i.e. using a model to analyse and simulate the dynamics of the stock. The ORHAGO campaigns are also a source of information on the evolution of benthic populations and coastal benthic habitats in the Bay of Biscay.
SACROIS is a data crossing algorithm that produces professional fishing activity data series (validated, consolidated and qualified production and effort data) for the vessels registered in the Community Fishing Fleet (CFP) file. SACROIS selects the best of the available information sources to produce the reference fishing activity data. SACROIS consists of an operational application for reconciliation, verification and consistency checks of different unitary data streams. The SACROIS algorithm does not correct the data, its objective is to : - provide the best possible estimate of the various elements making up a tide from the available data sources - to identify the incompleteness of the various data sources and to propose a synthesis completed by indicators of data qualification resulting from the crossings. Twice a month, the SACROIS algorithm produces a new data source, a synthesis of all the available data sources: the reconstructed SACROIS tides. The SACROIS data have been calculated since 2000 for all fleets for which data are available: - North Sea - Channel - Atlantic (excluding tropical seiners), - Mediterranean (excluding bluefin seiners), - DOM (Reunion, Mayotte, French Guiana and the West Indies).
DATRAS North Sea Bottom Trawl Survey