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Occurrence data for marine mammals, birds and other marine megafauna collected by Megascope on fishing and oceanographic surveys (date, position, species).
Occurrence rate by observation number for 100km of effort in each 40km mesh in the French mainland EZE in the winter of 2011/2012 and the summer of 2012. Description of the attribute table: survey : campaign Type: observation type Mesh: mesh size in kilometers _no_maille : mesh number The following fields correspond to the calculation of the occurrence rate for the observation number for 1000km of effort for each species or group of species : - [marsouin] common porpoise - [grdDauph] bottlenose dolphin - [lagenor] White-beaked dolphin - [pttDelph] : common dolphin and Striped dolphin - [globiceph] : Long-finned pilot whale + Risso's dolphin - [cakobab] : Sperm whale+ kogias + Beaked whales - [balenopt] : Fin whale + Minke whale + blue whale - [phoque] seal (grey + harbour)
The associated data highlights the sampling programme for the data acquisition campaign of Observation on the Aerial Platform for the SAMM1campaign (Aerial Marine Megafauna Monitoring) conducted by the PELAGIS observatory.