
Environmental monitoring facilities

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  • The gear repository of the Fisheries Information System includes, on the one hand, the FAO fishing gears enriched with national specificities and, on the other hand, the sampling gears used during the fisheries surveys conducted by Ifremer and its partners.

  • For some commercial species, coefficients called live weight equivalents allow the live weight of the fish to be calculated from the weight recorded on landing, or from the net weight of the various processed products prepared on board or in factories located on the coast.

  • A metier in the Fisheries Information System is a fishing practice defined by a fishing gear and a target species. They are used for statistical purposes to evaluate fishing strategies and efforts.

  • aThis survey action has been undertaken as part of WP6 of the H2020 JERICO-S3 project. Its integration in Sextant is the first step towards a comprehensive and extensive data catalog for the JERICO Research Infrastructure. JERICO-S3, Description of Work - WP6 : Data Management Task 6.2: Data management for coastal platforms (M1-48) (Lead: HCMR) Subtask 6.2.1: Identify and update the overview of JERICO-RI involved platforms and data (SMHI, MARIS, IFREMER) (M1-48) The JERICO dataset catalogue has proven a useful tool for creating an overview of platforms and data relevant for the project this and will be updated. Input from other WP’s will be used to identify the actual JERICO platforms, including the PSS, TNA platforms, and IRS. Partners will collect and describe coastal platforms in the dataset catalogue (technically run in WP7) including pointers to data, which variables (related to EOV’s) published as D6.2. Subtask 6.2.2: Best practice capturing for “mature” platforms with physical and BGC parameters (HCMR, SMHI, CNR, ETT, SOCIB, HZG, RWS) (M6-42). For the following platform types there will be activities supporting data management as defined under T6.4 in close relation to the Virtual Research Environment in WP7: HF radars (CNR), Gliders (SOCIB, ETT), FerryBox (HZG) The work for each platform type will follow basically the same approach and will cooperate with WP4 (PSS) and WP3 (IRS). The experts will identify the existing standards, and possible data management best practices (D6.3). At the end of the project an evaluation will be done of the level of Best Practice adoption at the IRSs and PSSs in the project, as well as the use of the VRE by the partners engaged in WP3 and WP4 (D6.10). This will be done in cooperation with WP3 and WP4, and is an important condition for data to be accessible for use in the Virtual Environment in T7.4.

  • The repository of commercially exploited species of interest in the Fisheries Information System is based on the FAO's ASFIS repository enriched with species of high commercial interest in France (metropolitan and overseas).

  • The scientific species repository of the Fisheries Information System lists the species observed during fishing campaigns or within the framework of the observations of collection programmes (ObsVentes, ObsMer, Campaigns, etc.).

  • The repository of location in the Fisheries Information System is divided into 3 categories: places on land, areas at sea and regulatory areas at sea. Each of these is organised hierarchically. There are 93 levels of places in Harmonie: a metadata sheet exists for each of them with, when it exists, a geographical layer.

  • The MFSP repository of the Fisheries Information System corresponds to the combination of Parameters, Supports, Fractions, Methods and Units. It allows variables to be entered, banked and retrieved. It is associated with many other repositories: species, gear, etc.

  • Size-weight relationships are specific to each scientific species and its environment. They allow the size of an individual to be determined from its weight or vice versa. These relationships are established statistically from a sample of individuals representative of the species.

  • to deliver maps showing the extent of the trawling fishing grounds for identifying the changes in level of disturbance over the past ten years and identifying the gaps of fishing vessels’ tracking systems in the Mediterranean Sea