Floating offshore wind
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Backup of the data used for characterising the different biofouling monitoring protocols in an excel file.
Numerical simulations applied on the study sites
This document presents an analysis of the isotopic ratios of organisms sampled on the site of the future Windfarm.
This report presents the analysis of the effects of climate change on the spatial distribution of different marine species frequenting the study site called Baie de Seine étendue using ecological niche models
The objectives of the ABIOP+ project were to : • Provide characterisation protocols for biofouling on cable and mooring lines materials which are very vulnerable to this biological process, in order to collect quantitative in-situ data. • Inventory existing fouling management methods and test the solutions best suited for floating offshore wind turbines.
During the ABIOP project launch meeting, the consortium agreed to add a task to the project aimed at identifying the challenges of biocolonisation in an ORE context. This additional work is indeed necessary because it allows the organisation, updating and presentation of the reflections undertaken by biofouling experts from various industrial and research entities and federated by FEM, for several years on this topic.
The objective of the DiMe project was to improve the characterisation of extreme sea states with breaking waves by combining observations and modelling.
The objective of the ARCWIND project was to assess the feasibility of floating wind farms in deep waters in the Eastern Atlantic.
Report describing the methodology and results of the simulations
Measurement of the diameter of the biocolonised moorings and the composition of the biofouling at T+12 months of immersion.