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to deliver maps showing the extent of the trawling fishing grounds for identifying the areas which are most disturbed by bottom trawling over the past ten years and identifying the gaps of fishing vessels’ tracking systems in the Mediterranean Sea
Specification of the desirable and recommended products attributes for generating spatial layers of sea level trend for the last 50 and 100 years for the Mediterranean basin and for each NUTS3 region along the coast.
Specification of the desirable and recommended product attributes for generating time series of average annual sea temperature at mid-water and sea bottom for the last 10 yrs.
Specification of the desirable and recommended products attributes for generating spatial layers of sea mid-water and sea-bottom temperature for the last 10, 50 and 100 years for the Mediterranean basin and for each NUTS3 region along the coast.
Suitability index of a wind farm in the NWMed concerning the environmental resources, the natural barriers, human activities, MPA and fisheries.
Annual time series of Total Phosphorous/Phosphates [mg/l] from in situ and model data
to deliver maps showing the extent of the trawling fishing grounds for identifying the areas which are most disturbed by bottom trawling over the past ten years and identifying the gaps of fishing vessels’ tracking systems in the Mediterranean Sea
Shape file with the layers containing the information as in Product CH2-1 and depth/biological zones. Fisheries Restricted Areas with specifics on the prohibitions and the type of closure.
Proposed regional conservation areas in the Mediterranean
Specification of the desirable and recommended product attributes for generating time series of average annual sea-level rise for the last 50 and 100 yrs.