Iceland Sea
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The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) - 2016" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering:: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties, Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western and Central Mediterranean Sea and Ionian Sea • Bay of Biscay, Iberian coast and North-East Atlantic • Adriatic Sea • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) • Azores - Madeira EEZ • Canary Islands • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian – Icelandic seas The DTM is based upon more than 7700 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 27 data providers from 18 European countries and involving 169 data originators. The gathered survey data sets can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that also contains additional European survey data sets for global waters. This discovery service makes use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). The Composite DTMs are described using the Sextant Catalogue Service that makes also use of SeaDataNet standards and services. Their metadata can retrieved through interrogating the Source Reference map in the Central Map Viewing service ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/8 * 1/8 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 230 * 230 meters) • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 16 tiles in different formats: EMO, EMO (without GEBCO data), ESRI ASCII, ESRI ASCII Mean Sea Level, XYZ, NetCDF (CF), RGB GeoTiff and SD • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The NetCDF (CF) DTM files are fit for use in a special 3D Viewer software package which is based on the existing open source NASA World Wind JSK application. It has been developed in the frame of the EU FP7 Geo-Seas project (another sibling of SeaDataNet for marine geological and geophysical data) and is freely available. The 3D viewer also supports the ingestion of WMS overlay maps. The SD files can also be used for 3D viewing by means of the freely available iView4De(Fledermaus) software. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) - 2016" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering:: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties, Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western and Central Mediterranean Sea and Ionian Sea • Bay of Biscay, Iberian coast and North-East Atlantic • Adriatic Sea • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) • Azores - Madeira EEZ • Canary Islands • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian – Icelandic seas The DTM is based upon more than 7700 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 27 data providers from 18 European countries and involving 169 data originators. The gathered survey data sets can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that also contains additional European survey data sets for global waters. The Composite DTMs can be discovered through the Sextant Catalogue service. Both discovery services make use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer ( ) gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/8 * 1/8 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 230 * 230 meters) • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 16 tiles in different formats: EMO, EMO (without GEBCO data), ESRI ASCII, ESRI ASCII Mean Sea Level, XYZ, NetCDF (CF), RGB GeoTiff and SD • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The NetCDF (CF) DTM files are fit for use in a special 3D Viewer software package which is based on the existing open source NASA World Wind JSK application. It has been developed in the frame of the EU FP7 Geo-Seas project (another sibling of SeaDataNet for marine geological and geophysical data) and is freely available. The 3D viewer also supports the ingestion of WMS overlay maps. The SD files can also be used for 3D viewing by means of the freely available iView4De(Fledermaus) software. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2020" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon more than 16360 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 49 data providers from 24 countries riparian to European seas. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included derived from Landsat 8 and Sentinel satellite images. Areas not covered by observations are completed by integrating GEBCO 2020 and IBCAO V4. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in December 2020 contained > 30.000 survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. This discovery service makes use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). The Composite DTMs are described using the Sextant Catalogue Service that makes also use of SeaDataNet standards and services. Their metadata can be retrieved through interrogating the Source Reference map in the Central Map Viewing service ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters). • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: ESRI ASCII, XYZ, EMODnet CSV, NetCDF (CF), GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
This raster dataset represents the probability of occurrence of whales in the Europe Seas, where the species included are: Blue whale, Sei whale, Humpback whale, Sperm whale, Fin whale and Northern right whale. The northern right whale model only describes the range of the western population of this species, since the eastern population is probably almost extinct. Thus, the northern right whale model only partly overlaps with the EEA area on interest. This dataset is based on AquaMaps distribution maps (version 10/2019). The dataset has been prepared in the context of the development of the first European Maritime Transport Environmental Report (EMSA-EEA report, 2021:
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2022" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon 21937 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 64 data providers from 28 countries riparian to European seas and beyond. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included fro Landsat 8 and Sentinel satellite images. Areas not covered by observations are completed by integrating GEBCO 2022 and IBCAO V4. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in December 2022 contained > 41.000survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. The Composite DTMs can be discovered through the Sextant Catalogue service. Both discovery services make use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer ( ) gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters). • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: ESRI ASCII, XYZ, EMODnet CSV, NetCDF (CF), GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2020" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon more than 16360 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 49 data providers from 24 countries riparian to European seas. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included derived from Landsat 8 and Sentinel satellite images. Areas not covered by observations are completed by integrating GEBCO 2020 and IBCAO V4. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in December 2020 contained > 30.000 survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. This discovery service makes use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). The Composite DTMs are described using the Sextant Catalogue Service that makes also use of SeaDataNet standards and services. Their metadata can be retrieved through interrogating the Source Reference map in the Central Map Viewing service ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters). • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: ESRI ASCII, XYZ, EMODnet CSV, NetCDF (CF), GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
This metadata refers to the EEA marine assessment grid, to which all data and assessment results have been spatially mapped in order to ensure that data can be compared in a uniform way across the European regional seas. The marine assessment grid is based on the EEA reference grid system. The EEA reference grid is based on ERTS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection with parameters: latitude of origin 52° N, longitude of origin 10° E, false northing 3 210 000.0 m, false easting 4 321 000.0 m. All grid cells are named with a unique identifier containing information on grid cell size and the distance from origin in meters (easting and northing). An important attribute of the EEA reference grid system is that by using an equal area projection all grid cells are having the same area for the same grid size. In this marine assessment grid, two grid sizes are used: * 100 x 100 km in offshore areas (> 20 km from the coastline) * 20 x 20 km in coastal areas (<= 20 km from the coastline) The grid sizes were choosen after an evaluation of data availability versus the need for sufficient detail in the resulting assessment. The resulting assessment grid is a combination of two grid sizes using the EEA reference grid system. The overall area of interest used in the grid is based on the marine regions and subregions under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Additionally, Norwegian (Barent Sea and Norwegian Sea) and Icelandic waters (’Iceland Sea’) have been added (see Surrounding seas of Europe). Note that, within the North East Atlantic region, only the subregions within EEZ boundaries (~200 nm) have been included.
The raster dataset represents the intensity of species disturbance due to human presence along European coastlines. The dataset was created by combining the coastal urbanisation layer derived from Corine Land Cover 2012 (with the percentage of urbanised coastline per EEA 10 km grid cell) and the population density layer based on EUROSTAT NUTS 2016 data (with the population density in the NUTS 3 region corresponding to the coastal EEA 10 km grid cell). The dataset does not cover southern and western Mediterranean Sea, northern Black Sea and northernmost Atlantic Ocean. The dataset was prepared for the combined effect index produced for the ETC/ICM Report 4/2019 "Multiple pressures and their combined effects in Europe's seas" available on:
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) - 2018" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon more than 9400 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 49 data providers from 24 countries riparian to European seas. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included derived from Landsat 8 satellite images. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in September 2018 contained > 27.000 survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. This discovery service makes use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). The Composite DTMs are described using the Sextant Catalogue Service that makes also use of SeaDataNet standards and services. Their metadata can be retrieved through interrogating the Source Reference map in the Central Map Viewing service ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters) • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: EMO, EMO (without GEBCO data), ESRI ASCII, ESRI ASCII Mean Sea Level, XYZ, NetCDF (CF), RGB GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) - 2018" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of water such as Fair Isle, Cromarty, Forth, Forties,Dover, Wight, and Portland • the English Channel and Celtic Seas • Western Mediterranean, the Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea • Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay (Atlantic Ocean) • Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) • Aegean - Levantine Sea (Mediterranean). • Madeira and Azores (Macaronesia) • Baltic Sea • Black Sea • Norwegian and Icelandic Seas • Canary Islands (Macaronesia) • Arctic region and Barentz Sea The DTM is based upon more than 9400 bathymetric survey data sets and Composite DTMs that have been gathered from 49 data providers from 24 countries riparian to European seas. Also Satellite Derived Bathymetry data products have been included derived from Landsat 8 satellite images. The source reference layer in the portal viewing service gives metadata of the data sets used with their data providers; the metadata also acknowledges the data originators. The incorporated survey data sets itself can be discovered and requested for access through the Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service that in September 2018 contained > 27.000 survey data sets from European data providers for global waters. The Composite DTMs can be discovered through the Sextant Catalogue service. Both discovery services make use of SeaDataNet standards and services and have been integrated in the EMODnet portal ( ). In addition, the EMODnet Map Viewer ( ) gives users wide functionality for viewing and downloading the EMODnet digital bathymetry such as: • water depth (refering to the Lowest Astronomical Tide Datum - LAT) in gridded form on a DTM grid of 1/16 * 1/16 arc minute of longitude and latitude (ca 115 * 115 meters) • option to view depth parameters of individual DTM cells and references to source data • option to download DTM in 58 tiles in different formats: EMO, EMO (without GEBCO data), ESRI ASCII, ESRI ASCII Mean Sea Level, XYZ, NetCDF (CF), RGB GeoTiff and SD • option to visualize the DTM in 3D in the browser without plug-in • layer with a number of high resolution DTMs for coastal regions • layer with wrecks from the UKHO Wrecks database. The EMODnet DTM is also available by means of OGC web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS), which are specified at the EMODnet Bathymetry portal. The original datasets themselves are not distributed but described in the metadata services, giving clear information about the background survey data used for the DTM, their access restrictions, originators and distributors and facilitating requests by users to originator.