Land Product
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This product is the daily product of soil moisture, and contains filtered data. The retrievals are based on a multi-orbit retrieval algorithm. A detection of freeze and snow is performed and added to the flags. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
This product is an aggregation of daily maps of soil moisture, over a 3 day moving window, a decade or a month. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
This product is the daily product of soil moisture. The retrievals are based on a multi-orbit retrieval algorithm. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
This product is an aggregation of daily maps of dielectric constant and its associated parameters over a 3 day moving window. The whole Earth's surface is covered in this 3-day product. Ascending and descending orbits are processed separately.
This product is a daily product of root zone soil moisture representative of the 0-1 m depth of the soil.
This product is a daily product of root zone soil moisture representative of the 0-1 m depth of the soil. The base products, for all the CATDS-PDC (Centre Aval de Traitement des Données SMOS - Production & Dissemination Center) processing chains, are the SMOS L1B products from ESA (European Space Agency). The L4SM RZSM is the daily product of root zone soil moisture (m3/m3) representative of the 0-1 m depth of the soil. The product contains also a quality index taking into account the presence of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), low quality of retrieval of the input surface soil moisture, and a high fraction of non-nominal surfaces. Products from reprocessing RE07 are available for the period 01/2010 - 05/2021. Products from operational (OPER) processing are available since 06/2021. Reprocessed products and operational products are derived using the same algorithm and configuration, hence ensuring the temporal continuity.