
Oceanographic geographical features

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  • Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics hindcast in the Gironde Estuary (France), produced by coupling the hydrodynamics model MARS3D (with sediment dynamics module MUSTANG) and wave spectral model WAVEWATCH III®.

  • Daily air-sea heat fluxes dataset on the last 27 years (1992-2018). Global coverage with 0.25° resolution. Data is mainly coming from aggregated calibrated scatterometer datasets and numerical models. Main geophysical parameters are: sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, wind speed, SST, air temperature. Latest version : 4.1 released in June 2019.

  • SpiArcBase is a software developed for the treatment of Sediment Profile images (SPIs). Sediment Profile Images (SPIs) are widely used for benthic ecological quality assessment under various environmental stressors. The processing of the information contained in SPIs is slow and its interpretation is largely operator dependent. SpiArcBase enhances the objectivity of the information extracted from SPIs, especially for the assessment of the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity (aRPD). This software allows the user to create and manage a database containing original SPIs and corresponding derived pieces of information. Once you have downloaded it, you can ask for help and stablish a helpdesk.

  • Sediment Profile Images (SPIs) are commonly used to map physical, biological and chemical/nutrient gradients in benthic habitats. SpiArcBase is a software that has been developed for the analysis of Sediment Profile Images (SPIs). It has been conceived to improve the objectivity of extracted information (especially the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity (aRPD). The software presents a graphical user interface designed to enhance the interpretation of features observed on SPIs in an objective manner and to facilitate image management and structures visualization via a data base.The software also allows for the storage of generated data and the automatic computation of a benthic habitat quality index. The facilities provided within JERICONext include access to the software through free downloading and assistance in its utilization.

  • This dataset provides extreme waves (Hs: significant wave height, Hb:breaking wave height, a proxy of the wave energy flux) simulated with the WWIII model, and extracted along global coastlines. Two simulations, including or not Tropical Cyclones (TCs) in the forcing wind field, are provided.

  • Surface current data measured by the CNR-ISMAR HF radar network are made available in graphical format for the last 48 hours and in real time and delayed mode via a THREDDS catalog which provides metadata and data access. The web site gives information on HF radar technology, sites position and operational parameters, and links to the THREDDS catalog. The catalog offers different remote-data-access protocols such as Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OpenDaP), Web Coverage Service (WCS), Web Map Service (WMS) (OGS standards), as well as pure HTTP or NetCDF-Subsetter. They allow for metadata interrogation and data download (even sub-setting the dataset in terms of time and space) while embedded clients, such as GODIVA2, NetCDF-JavaToolsUI and Integrated Data Viewer, grant real-time data visualization directly via browser and allow for navigating within the plotted maps, saving images, exporting-importing on Google Earth, generating animations in selected time intervals. The data on the THREDDS catalog are organized in two folders, collecting the hourly current files of the last five days and grouping all the historical data. The two folders are accessible both in aggregated and in non-aggregated configuration. The data set consists of maps of radial and total velocity of the sea water surface current collected by the HF radars within the Italian Coastal Radar Network established in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE. Surface ocean velocities estimated by HF Radar are representative of the upper 0.3-2.5 meters of the ocean. The radar sites are operated according to Quality Assessment procedures and data are processed for Quality Control. Data access tools are compliant to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Climate and Forecast (CF) convention and INSPIRE directive. The use of netCDF format allows an easy implementation of all the open source services developed by UNIDATA.

  • The data recorded by the oceanographic platforms operate in the Aegean and the Ionian Seas (fixed stations, ferry box system, gliders) are released through the POSEIDON portal. Physical and biochemical parameters of the marine environment as well as atmospheric parameters in the fixed station locations are available both in real time and delayed mode. The forecasting module of the POSEIDON system consists of four numerical models that provide in daily basis forecasts regarding the atmospheric, sea state, hydrodynamic and ecological conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The online POSEIDON database contains the data recorded by the insitu platforms offering also downloading functions for the whole data set, while a user-friendly tool is also available for accessing the results of all the forecasting models for the last five years.

  • Daily and monthly surface wind analyses are determined as gridded wind products over global oceans, with regular spatial resolution of 0.25° in latitude and longitude. They are estimated from scatterometer wind retrievals (L2b data). According to the scatterometer sampling scheme, the objective method allowing the determination of regular in space surface wind fields uses remotely sensed observations as well as ECMWF analyses. The calculation of daily estimates uses ascending as well as descending available and valid retrievals. The objective method aims to provide daily-averaged gridded wind speed, zonal component, meridional component, wind stress and the corresponding components at global scale. The error associated to each parameter, related to the sampling impact and wind space and time variability, is provided too. Monthly wind analyses are calculated from daily estimates.

  • ERA5 is a climate reanalysis dataset, covering the period 1979 to present. ERA5 is being developed through the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Extracted data available here are one hourly at a regular grid lat,lon 0.25*0.25

  • A Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 sea surface temperature analysis produced daily on an operational basis at the UK Met Office using optimal interpolation (OI) on a global 0.054 degree grid. The Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) analysis uses satellite data from sensors that include the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSRE), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI), and in situ data from drifting and moored buoys. This analysis has a highly smoothed SST field and was specifically produced to support SST data assimilation into Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models.