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EMODnet bathymetry is composed of a multitude of datasets from a multitude of data providers. Users of the resulting grid and associated datasets need to be able to evaluate at the grid node level the quality of the bathymetric data and product they will be using. For this EMODnet Bathymetry has introduced a Quality index (QI). The QI is available as a WFS service providing vector data and as WMS providing the QI as an image service. The aim of the quality index is to: • help data users to evaluate quickly the dataset they are about to request, • indicate to the EMODnet Basin coordinators what are the limitations of the dataset they are about to merge while building the EMODnet DTM and to • be used as the basis of the evaluation of the quality of the EMODnet DTM. Service URL: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wfs
EMODnet Bathymetry has adopted the CDI Data Discovery & Access service as developed and operated by SeaDataNet, the pan-European network of NODCs, to bring together and provide access to available high resolution bathymetric survey data sets from many data providers, such as National Hydrographic Institutes, Research Institutes, and Survey companies. All bathymetric survey data are described with INSPIRE compliant metadata, following the CDI metadata profile, based on ISO 19115 – 19139 standards. This way, the CDI service gives users a highly detailed insight in the availability and geographical spreading of bathymetric survey data sets that are acquired and managed by an increasing group of data providers and for which users can request access for downloading. The CDI metadata are public domain and freely available for all users. However, a major part of the survey data sets is not freely available and requires negotiation with the data owners. The SeaDataNet CDI search, shopping and tracking mechanism facilitates identifying and requesting access to these background data sets from data providers. Note that all data sets are used internally with permission of the data owners for contributing to the EMODnet Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the European sea regions. The service URL is : https://geo-service.maris.nl/emodnet_bathymetry/wfs?service=WFS&request=GetCapabilities. The layer in the Map Viewer facilitates users to view the locations of the CDI entries and to retrieve details of individual surveys by clicking on the map. From there users are linked to the actual CDI Data Discovery and Access service (https://cdi-bathymetry.seadatanet.org/search) for performing more queries and submitting requests for data access.
EMODnet bathymetry is composed of a multitude of datasets from a multitude of data providers. Users of the resulting grid and associated datasets need to be able to evaluate at the grid node level the quality of the bathymetric data and product they will be using. For this EMODnet Bathymetry has introduced a Quality index (QI). The QI is available as a WFS service providing vector data and as WMS providing the QI as an image service. The aim of the quality index is to: • help data users to evaluate quickly the dataset they are about to request, • indicate to the EMODnet Basin coordinators what are the limitations of the dataset they are about to merge while building the EMODnet DTM and to • be used as the basis of the evaluation of the quality of the EMODnet DTM. Service URL: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wfs
Benthic Non Native Species Tool (Cefas)
The Western Channel Observatory (WCO) is an oceanographic time-series and marine biodiversity reference site in the Western English Channel. In situ measurements are undertaken weekly at coastal station L4 and fortnightly at open shelf station E1 using the research vessels of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the Marine Biological Association. These measurements are complemented by PML's recognised excellence in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing science. By integrating these different observational disciplines we can begin to disentangle the complexity of the marine ecosystem. The WCO measures several key parameters important to the functioning of the marine ecosystem such as light, temperature, salinity and nutrients. Station L4 has some of the longest time-series in the world for zooplankton and phytoplankton, and fish trawls have been made by the MBA for a century. Station E1 has a hydrographic series dating from 1903. These long series are complemented by hourly measurements made at our moorings situated at both stations. These can elucidate changes not captured by the routine weekly sampling.
The Ocean Data Viewer offers users the opportunity to view and download a range of spatial datasets that are useful for informing decisions regarding the conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity. These decisions ultimately affect the ocean's health and productivity, which provide the ecosystem services that are necessary for our well-being, livelihoods, and survival. To date, the users of this tool have included government agencies, scientists, researchers, the corporate sector, and non-governmental organisations. These data come from internationally respected scientific institutions and other organisations that have agreed to make their data available to the global community, with the hope that these data will support and encourage informed decision-making that sustains global biodiversity and ecosystem services. The Ocean Data Viewer is primarily a mechanism to view and download data, and is not intended to be used for analysis or to query data.
Marine data sharing and preservation, managed & operated by the National Oceanography Centre. Part of the UK's National Oceanography Centre, BODC provide instant access to over 130,000 unique data sets. BODC data helps provide answers to both local questions such as the likelihood of coastal flooding, or global issues such as the impact of climate change. Data categories include: - Acoustics - Bathymetry and topography - Currents — horizontal and vertical velocity, Lagrangian currents and water transport rates - Meteorology — Radiosonde, Met. stations and data buoys - Optical properties — pigments, turbidity, irradiance - Sea level - Water column temperature and salinity - Water column chemistry — nutrients, carbons, oxygen - Waves — statistics and spectra
SpiArcBase is a software developed for the treatment of Sediment Profile images (SPIs). Sediment Profile Images (SPIs) are widely used for benthic ecological quality assessment under various environmental stressors. The processing of the information contained in SPIs is slow and its interpretation is largely operator dependent. SpiArcBase enhances the objectivity of the information extracted from SPIs, especially for the assessment of the apparent Redox Potential Discontinuity (aRPD). This software allows the user to create and manage a database containing original SPIs and corresponding derived pieces of information. Once you have downloaded it, you can ask for help and stablish a helpdesk.
Daily air-sea heat fluxes dataset on the last 27 years (1992-2018). Global coverage with 0.25° resolution. Data is mainly coming from aggregated calibrated scatterometer datasets and numerical models. Main geophysical parameters are: sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, wind speed, SST, air temperature. Latest version : 4.1 released in June 2019.