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  • Backup of the data used for characterising the different biofouling monitoring protocols in an excel file.

  • This document is the first annual report on dissemination and communication activities regarding DTOceanPlus project.

  • Technology readiness levels are a widely used metric of technology maturity and risk for marine renewable energy devices. To-date, a large number of device concepts have been proposed which have reached the early validation stages of development. Only a handful of mature designs have attained pre-commercial development status following prototype sea trials. In order to navigate through the aptly named “valley of death” towards commercial realisation, it is necessary for new technologies to be de-risked in terms of component durability and reliability. In this paper the scope of the reliability assessment module of the DTOcean design tool is outlined including aspects of tool integration, data provision and how prediction uncertainties are accounted for

  • Numerical simulations applied on the study sites

  • This report documents the outcome of the verification of the assessment design tools. The goal of the verification task was to ensure that the tools: respond correctly to a varied set of inputs; perform their functions in an acceptable time and reasonable use of computational resource; are adequate in terms of usability; and, are verified against control data. The following actions were completed for all tools as part of the verification and are described in detail in this report: definition of the verification cases and evaluation criteria; organisation of training sessions for partners; collection of data for each verification case; running the verification cases by partners; analysis of the results based on quantitative and qualitative assessments, creation of a task list of changes that could improve the tool and their performance.

  • This document summarizes both the module functionalities and the more technical aspects of the code implemented in the station keeping module.

  • In order to make an informed decision on which tools to use for hydrodynamic analysis of array layouts of ocean energy converters, an assessment of capabilities of available tools has been carried out and is presented in this report both for wave energy converter arrays and tidal energy converter arrays

  • The objectives of the ABIOP+ project were to : • Provide characterisation protocols for biofouling on cable and mooring lines materials which are very vulnerable to this biological process, in order to collect quantitative in-situ data. • Inventory existing fouling management methods and test the solutions best suited for floating offshore wind turbines.

  • This document is the third annual report on dissemination and communication activities regarding DTOceanPlus project.

  • This document serves as the technical manual of the alpha version of the system performance and energy yield module, including all the data requirements, main functions, interfaces and all the pertinent technical details.