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Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.
Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.
Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.
Bathymetric datasets are an extraction of surveys belonging to the Shom public database. For depth up to 50m, the vertical precision of soundings varies from 30cm to 1m and the horizontal precision varies from 1 to 20m. In deep ocean, the vertical precision is mainly around 1 or 2% of the bottom depth. It is sometimes more, it depends on the technology used. The data are referenced to ZH which is assimilated to LAT. Data are corrected for sound velocity variations.
The coastal topo-bathymetric DTM of the Arcachon basin and its surroundings at a resolution of 0.0002° (~ 20 m) was produced as part of the HOMONIM project. The DTM covers the coastline of a part of the Gironde department, from the Carcans and Hourtin ponds in the North, to the Cazaux and Sanguinet lakes in the South. It covers the entire Arcachon basin and extends offshore to about 40 m depth. The DTM is intended to be implemented in hydrodynamic models in order to produce accurate forecasts of water heights and sea states at the coast and to improve the French storm surge warning system. This product is available with the Lowest Astronomic Tide (LAT) or with the Mean Sea Level (MSL) as a vertical datum.
The coastal topo- bathymetric DEM for the coasts of the Saint-Jean-de-Luz bay with a resolution of 0.0002° (~ 20 m) was prepared as part of the TANDEM project. It covers Saint-Jean-de-Luz bay and the surrounding area. The DEM is designed to be implemented in the hydrodynamic models of the TANDEM project in order to estimate the coastal effects of tsunamis for the Atlantic and English Channel, where French nuclear power plants have been installed for about 30 years. This product is available with the Lowest Astronomic Tide (LAT) or the Mean Sea Level (MSL) as a vertical datum.
The bathymetric DEM of the atlantic facade with a resolution of 0.001° (~ 100 m) was prepared as part of the HOMONIM project. It encompasses part of the North Sea, the Channel and the Bay of Biscay. Offshore, this DTM extends beyond the slope to approximately 4800 m depth. The DEM is designed to be used in hydrodynamic models in order to produce high-precision forecasts for coastal water levels and sea conditions and therefore improve the pertinence of the Waves-Submersion monitoring programme. This product is available with the Lowest Astronomic Tide (LAT) or the Mean Sea Level (MSL) as a vertical datum.
Raw single-beam echosounder data archived at SISMER, acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
For this product, see the most recent data from the EMODnet Bathymetry project: Bathymetric model (DTM) of the North-East Atlantic, generated from conventional multibeam bathymetry data, prior to the year 2000. The grid spacing is 1000 meters. Bibliographic reference : Sibuet J.C. & al., (2004) - Carte bathymétrique de l'Atlantique nord-est et du golfe de Gascogne : implications cinématiques. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr.T. 175, n°5, pp. 429-442
For this product, see the most recent data from the EMODnet Bathymetry project: Bathymetric model (Digital Terrain Model) of the Mediterranean. MediMap group. Bathymetry data acquired by multibeam sounders during campaigns Almofront.leg1 and Almofront.leg2, Almofront, Bretane, Seamewe2, Heralis, Medee, Anaxiprobe, Almofront2 - leg1 and leg2, Prismed2, Marmara, Fanil, Tvic5 et 6, Progres, Maradja, Blac, Nautinil, Medor-Simed1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5, Maradja2, Sardinia, Prisme, Assemblage and Thertou. Integration of partner organizations DTM. This DTM is available at two cell sizes : 500 meters and 1000 meters. Partners MediMap : - SHOM (service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine) ; - CNRS/INSU (Centre National de la recherche Scientifique / Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers) ; - Géosciences Azur / Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer ; - ENS Paris (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paris) ; - UBO/IUEM (Université de Bretagne Occidentale / Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer) - UP (Université de Perpignan / Laboratoire d'Etudes des Géo-environnements Marins) ; - UB/GRC-GM (Universitat de Barcelona / Geociències Marines) ; - IEO (Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia) ; - IHM (Instituto Hidrografico de la Marina) ; - Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra / Unitat de Tecnologia Marina, CMIMA / Universidad de Granada ; - ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine) ; - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale OGS/RIMA ; - Università di Trieste / Università della Calabria - Scienze della Terra ; - HCMR (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research) ; - NWO (Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ; - Israel's national Bathymetric Survey.