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  • This report documents the outcome of the verification of the assessment design tools. The goal of the verification task was to ensure that the tools: respond correctly to a varied set of inputs; perform their functions in an acceptable time and reasonable use of computational resource; are adequate in terms of usability; and, are verified against control data. The following actions were completed for all tools as part of the verification and are described in detail in this report: definition of the verification cases and evaluation criteria; organisation of training sessions for partners; collection of data for each verification case; running the verification cases by partners; analysis of the results based on quantitative and qualitative assessments, creation of a task list of changes that could improve the tool and their performance.

  • This report documents the outcome of the verification of the deployment design tools.

  • This deliverable analyses the value chain of ocean energy, regarding its stakeholders, structure, current engagement and breakdown of project costs. It explores the mapping of the opportunities for European companies and encompasses the typical project lifecycle activities, such as project management, supply of ocean energy devices and balance of plant, as well as the installation, commissioning, operations & maintenance, and decommissioning activities.

  • This deliverable is a report documenting the outcome of the work carried out to deliver an overview of the outcomes of the verification tasks since the feedback from the users’ experience will be useful to improve the performance of the tools beyond the project end. The results of the validation scenarios, based on the feedback produced by the partners, will generate useful recommendations for the stakeholders willing to improve global performance of ocean energy arrays, single devices or critical components and subsystems. The work developed throughout the validation tasks will benefit from DTOcean+ tools to perform several activities, articulated in the respective reference validation scenarios, both for wave and tidal energy.

  • This report describes the methodology used to refine the validation scenarios and the compilation of required data inputs, accounting for the different potential use cases