EMODnet Atlantic Checkpoint
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This product is a map of the uncertainty of available digital bathymetry measurements for the North Atlantic Ocean. This is done for a spatial resolution feasible for this large area (25km x 25km). It is designed to assess the quality of the bathymetry readings with a view to supporting assessments of future need. The product is formulated through a number of characteristics of the data including age of measurement and slope.
Temporal series (annual mean values) with error of estimation and Long Term Average (LTA) with error of estimation of total phosphate load for each river mouth where in situ data is available. Different sources can be mixed if any.
Maps of seasonal p90 (percentile 90) of Chla on the North Atlantic basin for the past ten years (2005-2014) using the Global Copernicus chla level 4 (L4) products (resolution of 4 km). Method as Gohin Francis, Saulquin Bertrand, Bryere Philippe (2010) Atlas de la Température, de la concentration en Chlorophylle et de la Turbidité de surface du plateau continental français et de ses abords de l’Ouest européen. Ifremer. http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00057/16840/
Map at 1 degree resolution of 10 year linear trend in sea water temperature at 3 levels: surface, 500m , bottom
Annual time series of salmon recruitement biomass (2005-2014): • Time series of atlantic salmon recruitment • Location and Long Term Average (LTA) of atlantic salmon recruitment per Management Unit, that could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole country.
The Oil Platform Leaks challenge attempts to determine the likely trajectory of the slick and to release rapid information on the oil movement and environmental and coastal impacts in the form of two impacts bulletins at 24 and 72 hours. Each bulletin indicates what information can be provided, evidencing the fitness for use of the current available marine datasets, as well as pointing out gaps in the current Emodnet data collection framework. This first product relies on an oil spill modelling tool operated by CLS and provide the status of datasets for the purpose of the oil Spill simulation exercice. The OSCAR model (Oil Spill Contingency and Response, operated at CLS under license) made available by SINTEF and used to simulate the oil spill fate and weathering at water surface, in the water column and along shorelines. The declarative data given for the OSCAR simulation are: Date and time of oil spill, Location and depth of oil spill, Oil API number or oil type name, Oil spill amount or oil spill rate
Temporal series (annual mean values) with error of estimation and Long Term Average (LTA) with error of estimation of total nitrogen load for each river mouth where in situ data is available. Different sources can be mixed if any.
The challenge attempts to collect bycatch data for the North Atlantic sea basin (i.e. north of the equator, excluding Caribe, Baltic, North Sea and Artic) and to compute: mass and number of discards by species and year, including fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds. Data are presented in an Excel's spreadsheet.
Pentadal (5-year average) resolution time-series of bottom temperature for North Atlantic ocean area deeper than 1000m. Calculate the 5 year average bottom temperature at each point on the grid and then calculate the area weighted average.
The aim of the product is to represent areas where all forms of resource extraction are prohibited such as: • fishing • aggregate extraction • hydrocarbon offshore facilities • aids to navigation • habitation The product is specified through the same components as for the first product plus 2 additional ones: • Pipe lines and cables • Military activity