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World list of seaports. In its 2021 version, the repository includes 13709 ports for 187 countries. The list of seaports has been drawn up on the basis of the information available in the European reference system of places used in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy and, more particularly, by the Electronic Recording and Reporting System (ERS), the list of ports identified by the UNECE (2021-1). An assessment of the infrastructures present along the coastline made it possible to identify other ports that were not listed. Each geographical position has been verified with Google Earth in WGS84. Each port is associated with information relating to the country (ISO 3 coding), the UNECE or ERS 5-character coding, the name, the geographical position in WGS84 (latitude and longitude), the status of the port indicating whether it is referenced by Unece (UNECE), by the EU/ERS (ERS) or by both (UNECE/ERS) In case the port is not referenced by UNECE or ERS, the status is N/A. For French ports, the reference system integrates the ports of the French overseas departments and territories with the national codification. Inland ports have also been integrated in 2021.
The annual PELMED (PELagiques MEDiterranée) fisheries resource assessment campaign is carried out by the Laboratoire Halieutique Méditerranée of the Ifremer station in Sète. The objectives of these cruises are : 1. Evaluate the biomass of small pelagic fish (anchovies, sardines) by direct method. For this, the campaign must alternate between acoustic prospecting and identification trawling. An acoustic signal is sent from a sounder fixed under the vessel and each time it encounters the bottom or schools of fish, it is reflected and retransmitted to the sounder. In this way, the shape and intensity of these echoes that materialize the schools of fish can be observed continuously. Species identification trawls are carried out in order to define the proportion of species present in the echoes detected. 2. Collecting as many biological parameters as possible on the target species of small pelagics (anchovies, sardines, sprats) to better understand the population dynamics of these species. For this purpose, morphometric measurements, as well as the determination of the sex and maturity stage of the fish are carried out. Finally, otoliths are taken in order to determine the age of the fish. These biological parameters are very important to complete the biomass assessment and have a better understanding of the processes underlying the variability of these populations. This allows for example to determine the age structure or size structure of the populations, to have an idea of their energy reserves, etc. 3. To better understand the pelagic ecosystem as a whole, from plankton to top predators. The primary goal of the PELMED cruise is to evaluate small pelagic stocks, but it also aims to accumulate as much data as possible on the different compartments of the pelagic ecosystem, from physical parameters (temperature, salinity) to top predators (marine mammals, birds), through the different lower trophic levels (phyto- and zooplankton, small pelagic fish). Thus, after each trawling, a hydrological station is carried out with the measurement of temperature and salinity along the water column via a CTD, water and phytoplankton samples with a Niskin bottle and zooplankton samples using a vertical line of WP2. Finally, throughout the campaign we carry out the observation and counting of birds and marine mammals. In addition to the understanding of the ecosystem, this should provide a number of indicators necessary for monitoring the marine environment under the MSFD (Marine Framework Directive).
The scientific species repository of the Fisheries Information System lists the species observed during fishing campaigns or within the framework of the observations of collection programmes (ObsVentes, ObsMer, Campaigns, etc.).
The repository of commercially exploited species of interest in the Fisheries Information System is based on the FAO's ASFIS repository enriched with species of high commercial interest in France (metropolitan and overseas).
The observation of catches at sea, whether landed or discarded by professional fishing vessels, provides a better understanding of the interactions between fishing activity, resources and marine ecosystems. This system, called ObsMer, is applied in metropolitan France, excluding Corsica.
Avant le 1er janvier 2016, la France comptait 27 régions : - 22 régions en France métropolitaine (en comptant la Corse). - 5 régions d'outre mer : la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Guyane, la Réunion et Mayotte (depuis 2011). Bien qu'obsolète, ce référentiel est conservé dans le Système d'Informations Halieutiques pour les données historiques.
Size-weight relationships are specific to each scientific species and its environment. They allow the size of an individual to be determined from its weight or vice versa. These relationships are established statistically from a sample of individuals representative of the species.
The national multidisciplinary RECOPESCA programme is a collaboration between volunteer fishermen and scientists for the automated collection of geolocated physical and fisheries environmental data from the coastal domain. The principle consists of installing sensors on gear to measure environmental parameters, from the surface to the bottom, and to record detailed data on fishing activity and effort. The data acquired feeds the operational coastal oceanography database (coastal component of Coriolis) and the fisheries database of the SIH (Harmonie). The programme thus responds to research issues (physical and fisheries), the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries, support for public policies (DCSMM, DCF, CMEMS) and Ifremer's innovation in the coastal field.
The 62 RESSGASC campaigns allow the quarterly assessment of the quantities of various species (hake, sole, Norway lobster, etc.) discarded by fishing vessels (individuals below legal landing size). This information, together with data collected from the demographic structure of landings (using samples from auctions), is essential for the evolution of commercial fish stocks.
The NourDem project aims to carry out annual trawling cruises in the three estuaries of the Seine, the Loire and the Gironde.