Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Hindcast
'''Short description'''
The biogeochemical hindcast for global ocean is produced at Mercator-Ocean (Toulouse. France). It provides 3D biogeochemical fields since year 1993 at 1/4 degree and on 75 vertical levels. It uses PISCES biogeochemical model (available on the NEMO modelling platform). No data assimilation in this product.
* Latest NEMO version (v3.6_STABLE)
* Forcings: FREEGLORYS2V4 ocean physics produced at Mercator-Ocean and ERA-Interim atmosphere produced at ECMWF at a daily frequency
* Outputs: Daily (chlorophyll. nitrate. phosphate. silicate. dissolved oxygen. primary production) and monthly (chlorophyll. nitrate. phosphate. silicate. dissolved oxygen. primary production. iron. phytoplankton in carbon) 3D mean fields interpolated on a standard regular grid in NetCDF format. The simulation is performed once and for all.
* Initial conditions: World Ocean Atlas 2013 for nitrate. phosphate. silicate and dissolved oxygen. GLODAPv2 for DIC and Alkalinity. and climatological model outputs for Iron and DOC
* Quality/Accuracy/Calibration information: See the related QuID
'''DOI (product):'''
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2012-08-26
- Edition
- 2.1
- Edition date
- 2024-06-18
- Identifier
- da5e467c-7cbd-4cde-a759-9b29b897c722
- Credit
- E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Annually
- Other
- P0M0D0H/P0M0D0H
- Maintenance note
- N/A
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Monthly
- Climate and Forecast Standard Names
- model_level_number_at_sea_floor
- mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
- mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water
- sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale
- surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
- sea_floor_depth_below_geoid
- mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water
- mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
- mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
- mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
- sea_binary_mask
- mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water
- cell_thickness
- net_primary_production_of_biomass_expressed_as_carbon_per_unit_volume_in_sea_water
- Mission Atlantic - Resources
- Data
- Mission Atlantic - Case Studies
- North Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Atlantic Ocean
- Mission Atlantic - Work Package
- WP5 Assessing state, drivers and tipping points
- Mission Atlantic - BODC Parameters
- /Cross-discipline/Rate measurements
- Mission Atlantic - Data type (DMP)
- Modelling data
- Ocean Hackathon - Ville
- Brest
- Use limitation
- See Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service Data commitments and licence at:
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Use constraints
- License
- Other constraints
- No limitations on public access
- Aggregate Datasetindentifier
- 861df64b-2402-4a86-8f7c-2531cfe68eb4
- Association Type
- Cross reference
- Initiative Type
- document
- Aggregate Datasetindentifier
- d845244a-5f79-4180-986c-2321d36f5bd7
- Association Type
- Cross reference
- Initiative Type
- document
- Aggregate Datasetindentifier
- 8f17fe9b-0d0f-4e40-8102-4b2ecce87d70
- Association Type
- Cross reference
- Initiative Type
- document
- Metadata language
- eng
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Description
- bounding box
- Begin date
- 2023-01-01
- End date
- 2022-12-31
Vertical extent
- Supplemental Information
- display priority: 01700
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG / equirectangular
- Number of dimensions
- 2
- Dimension name
- Row
- Resolution
- 0.25 degree
- Dimension name
- Column
- Resolution
- 0.25 degree
- Cell geometry
- Area
- Transformation parameter availability
- No
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_my_0.25deg_P1M-m ( OGC:WMTS )
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_my_0.25deg_static ( OGC:WMTS )
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_my_0.25deg_static ( OGC:WMTS )
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_my_0.25deg_P1D-m ( OGC:WMTS )
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_myint_0.25deg_P1D-m ( OGC:WMTS )
- OnLine resource
For accessing native data and Analysis-ready Cloud-optimized data services, consult this STAC metadata endpoint
- OnLine resource
- cmems_mod_glo_bgc_myint_0.25deg_P1M-m ( OGC:WMTS )
- Hierarchy level
- Series
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Explanation
- See the referenced specification
- Statement
- The myOcean products depends on other products for production or validation. The detailed list of dependencies is given in ISO19115's aggregationInfo (ISO19139 Xpath = "gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:aggregationInfo[./gmd:MD_AggregateInformation/gmd:initiativeType/gmd:DS_InitiativeTypeCode/@codeListValue='upstream-validation' or 'upstream-production']")
- Attribute description
- observation
- Content type
- Physical measurement
- Descriptor
- temporal resolution: daily mean
- Descriptor
- vertical level number: 75
- Descriptor
- temporal resolution: monthly mean
- Included with dataset
- No
- Feature types
- Grid
- File identifier
- da5e467c-7cbd-4cde-a759-9b29b897c722 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Series
- Hierarchy level name
- Copernicus Marine Service product specification
- Date stamp
- 2024-12-06T08:07:02.918049Z
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19139, MyOcean profile
- Metadata standard version
- 0.2

Spatial extent
Provided by