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  • '''Short description:''' The ESA SST CCI and C3S global Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed product provides gap-free maps of daily average SST at 20 cm depth at 0.05deg. x 0.05deg. horizontal grid resolution, using satellite data from the (A)ATSRs, SLSTR and the AVHRR series of sensors (Merchant et al., 2019). The ESA SST CCI and C3S level 4 analyses were produced by running the Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) system (Good et al., 2020) to provide a high resolution (1/20deg. - approx. 5km grid resolution) daily analysis of the daily average sea surface temperature (SST) at 20 cm depth for the global ocean. Only (A)ATSR, SLSTR and AVHRR satellite data processed by the ESA SST CCI and C3S projects were used, giving a stable product. It also uses reprocessed sea-ice concentration data from the EUMETSAT OSI-SAF (OSI-450 and OSI-430; Lavergne et al., 2019). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' Multi-Year mono-mission satellite-based integral parameters derived from the directional wave spectra. Using linear propagation wave model, only wave observations that can be back-propagated to wave converging regions are considered. The dataset parameters includes partition significant wave height, partition peak period and partition peak or principal direction given along swell propagation path in space and time at a 3-hour timestep, from source to land. Validity flags are also included for each parameter and indicates the valid time steps along propagation (eg. no propagation for significant wave height close to the storm source or any integral parameter when reaching the land). The integral parameters at observation point are also available together with a quality flag based on the consistency between each propagated observation and the overall swell field.This product is processed by the WAVE-TAC multi-mission SAR data processing system. It processes data from the following SAR missions: Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B.One file is produced for each mission and is available in two formats: one gathering in one netcdf file all observations related to the same swell field, and for another all observations available in a 3-hour time range, and for both formats, propagated information from source to land. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description :''' The OSTIA (Good et al., 2020) global sea surface temperature reprocessed product provides daily gap-free maps of foundation sea surface temperature and ice concentration (referred to as an L4 product) at 0.05deg.x 0.05deg. horizontal grid resolution, using in-situ and satellite data. This product provides the foundation Sea Surface Temperature, which is the temperature free of diurnal variability. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' In wavenumber spectra, the 1hz measurement error is the noise level estimated as the mean value of energy at high wavenumbers (below ~20km in term of wavelength). The 1hz noise level spatial distribution follows the instrumental white-noise linked to the Surface Wave Height but also connections with the backscatter coefficient. The full understanding of this hump of spectral energy (Dibarboure et al., 2013, Investigating short wavelength correlated errors on low-resolution mode altimetry, OSTST 2013 presentation) still remain to be achieved and overcome with new retracking, new editing strategy or new technology. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' Multi-Year mono-mission satellite-based along-track significant wave height. Only valid data are included, based on a rigorous editing combining various criteria such as quality flags (surface flag, presence of ice) and thresholds on parameter values. Such thresholds are applied on parameters linked to significant wave height determination from retracking (e.g. SWH, sigma0, range, off nadir angle…). All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission and in-situ buoy measurements. Finally, an along-track filter is applied to reduce the measurement noise. This product is based on the ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative data Level 3 product (version 2) and is formatted by the WAVE-TAC to be homogeneous with the CMEMS Level 3 Near-real-time product. It is based on the reprocessing of GDR data from the following altimeter missions: Jason-1, Jason-2, Envisat, Cryosat-2, SARAL/AltiKa and Jason-3. CFOSAT Multi-Year dataset is based on the reprocessing of CFOSAT Level-2P products (CNES/CLS), inter-calibrated on Jason-3 reference mission issued from the CCI Sea State dataset. One file containing valid SWH is produced for each mission and for a 3-hour time window. It contains the filtered SWH (VAVH) and the unfiltered SWH (VAVH_UNFILTERED). '''DOI (product) :'''