/Human Activities/Oceanographical Cruises
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These data consist of raw echosounder observations collected during ACE (Leg1-Leg3) using an EK80 WBT operating at 12.5 kHz. The instrument was calibrated at South Georgia during the expedition (Leg 3) and corrections were applied prior to calculation of the volume backscattering strength (Sv). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was analysed and was deemed very poor at depths greater than 1000 m. Therefore, only data collected between the transducer depth (8.4 m) and 1000 m were archived. Sv values within this depth range that had poor SNRs (<2) were deemed to be bad data and set to a value of NA. Observations were made using a pulse duration of 16.384 ms (c. 24 m) and are therefore not suitable for fine-scale studies (e.g. analysis of krill swarms). They are more suited to studies relating to large-scale biological features such as deep scattering layers.
The aim of these cruises, which took place on the Thalia, was to evaluate the abundance of the scallop stock in the Charentais channels.
Raw seismic reflexion data collected on board of the French oceanographic fleet managed by IFREMER and archived at SISMER.
The 62 RESSGASC campaigns allow the quarterly assessment of the quantities of various species (hake, sole, Norway lobster, etc.) discarded by fishing vessels (individuals below legal landing size). This information, together with data collected from the demographic structure of landings (using samples from auctions), is essential for the evolution of commercial fish stocks.
French national archive (SISMER) of time series data, particularly current meter and thermistor data.
The NourDem project aims to carry out annual trawling cruises in the three estuaries of the Seine, the Loire and the Gironde.
Raw underway marine gravity data from the French civil Research vessels and archived at SISMER (IFREMER)
Raw underway marine magnetic data collected on board of the French civil Research vessels and archived at SISMER (IFREMER)
Reflectivity measurements of the multibeam echosounders of the French Research Vessels
The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected by the French trawl survey EVHOE.