/Human Activities/Oceanographical Cruises
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Raw seismic reflection data archived at SISMER, acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
The aim of these cruises, which took place on the Thalia, was to evaluate the abundance of the scallop stock in the Charentais channels.
Raw single-beam echosounder data archived at SISMER, acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
Raw multibeam from acoustic echosounding of the water column and archived at SISMER. These data have been acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign or national oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer
The dataset includes age- and length-based catch per unit effort data for commercial fish species collected by the French trawl survey EVHOE.
Raw underway marine gravity data archived at SISMER, acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
French national archive (SISMER) of time series data, particularly current meter and thermistor data.
Raw multibeam echosouner data (bathymetric and reflectivity) archived at SISMER, acquired: - by oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
Raw underway marine magnetic data collected : - by french oceanographic vessels and national equipment managed by the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) - by foreign oceanographic vessels in collaboration with Ifremer - by Ifremer's historic vessels (Jean Charcot, Nadir, Suroit) operated before the FOF was set up
The NourDem project aims to carry out annual trawling cruises in the three estuaries of the Seine, the Loire and the Gironde.