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  • Coastal zones are presented as a series of 10 consecutive buffers of 1km width each (towards inland). For this dataset, were treated as sea data all areas with a class value of 523 (sea and ocean) in Corine Land Cover (details in lineage).

  • Coastal zones are presented as a series of 10 consecutive buffers of 1km width each (towards inland). For this dataset, were treated as sea data all areas with a class value of 523 (sea and ocean) in Corine Land Cover (details in lineage).

  • The grid is based on proposal at the 1st European Workshop on Reference Grids in 2003 and later INSPIRE geographical grid systems. The sample grid available here is part of a set of three polygon grids in 1, 10 and 100 kilometres. The grids cover at least country borders and, where applicable, marine Exclusive Economic Zones v7.0, Note that the extent of the grid into the marine area does not reflect the extent of the territorial waters.

  • The EEA coastline for analysis is created for highly detailed analysis, e.g. 1:100 000, for geographical Europe. The coastline is a hybrid product obtained from projects using satellite imagery as data source: EUHYDRO ( and GSHHG ( The defining criteria was altitude level = 0 from EUDEM ( Outside the coverage of the EUDEM, the coastline from GSHHG was used without modifications. A few manual amendments to the dataset were necessary to meet requirements from EU Nature Directives, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In 2015, several corrections were made in the Kalogeroi Islands (coordinates 38.169, 25.287) and two other Greek little islets (coordinates 36.766264, 23.604318), as well as in the peninsula of Porkkala (around coordinates 59.99, 24.42). In this revision (v3, 2017), 2 big lagoons have been removed from Baltic region, because, according to HELCOM, are freshwater lagoons.

  • The grid is based on proposal at the 1st European Workshop on Reference Grids in 2003 and later INSPIRE geographical grid systems. The sample grid available here is part of a set of three polygon grids in 1, 10 and 100 kilometres. The grids cover at least country borders and, where applicable, marine Exclusive Economic Zones v7.0, Note that the extent of the grid into the marine area does not reflect the extent of the territorial waters.

  • The EEA coastline dataset is created for detailed analysis with a Minimum Mapping Unit of e.g. 1:100000, for geographical Europe. The coastline is a hybrid product obtained from satellite imagery from two projects: 1) EUHYDRO (Pan-European hydrographic and drainage database) [] and 2) GSHHG (A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database) []. The defining criteria was altitude level = 0 from EUDEM []. Outside the coverage of the EUDEM, the coastline from GSHHG was used without modifications. A few manual amendments to the dataset were necessary to meet requirements from EU Nature Directives, Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In 2015, several corrections were made in the Kalogeroi Islands (coordinates 38.169, 25.287) and two other Greek little islets (coordinates 36.766264, 23.604318), as well as in the peninsula of Porkkala (around coordinates 59.99, 24.42). In this revision (v3, 2017), 2 big lagoons have been removed from Baltic region, because, according to HELCOM, are freshwater lagoons. This dataset is a polygon usable as a water-land mask.

  • Coastal zones are presented as a series of 10 consecutive buffers of 1km width each (towards inland). For this dataset, were treated as sea data all areas with class values of 52x (521: coastal lagoons, 522: estuaries, 523: sea and ocean) in Corine Land Cover (details in lineage).

  • Coastal zones are presented as a series of 10 consecutive buffers of 1km width each (towards inland). For this dataset, were treated as sea data all areas with class values of 52x (521: coastal lagoons, 522: estuaries, 523: sea and ocean) in Corine Land Cover (details in lineage).

  • La cartographie présente les niveaux moyens sonores ambiants sous-marins dans la bande de tiers d’octave 125 Hertz (fréquence centrale) [re 1μΡa RMS], à l'immersion 20m. Le bruit ambiant considéré a pour origine le trafic maritime: les données source sont issues des mouvements des bâtiments enregistrés à la Lloyd’s, ce qui permet d’avoir une vue non exhaustive mais assez complète du trafic maritime notamment les navires à fort tonnage et les axes principaux de navigation. Dans la mesure où seules les liaisons entre ports différents et d’une durée supérieure à la journée sont répertoriés par la Lloyd's, le trafic de passagers et les mouvements de navires de pêche ont également été estimés et intégrés au trafic maritime.

  • La cartographie présente les niveaux moyens sonores ambiants sous-marins dans la bande de tiers d’octave 63 Hertz (fréquence centrale) [re 1μΡa RMS], à l'immersion 20m. Le bruit ambiant considéré a pour origine le trafic maritime: les données source sont issues des mouvements des bâtiments enregistrés à la Lloyd’s, ce qui permet d’avoir une vue non exhaustive mais assez complète du trafic maritime notamment les navires à fort tonnage et les axes principaux de navigation. Dans la mesure où seules les liaisons entre ports différents et d’une durée supérieure à la journée sont répertoriés par la Lloyd's, le trafic de passagers et les mouvements de navires de pêche ont également été estimés et intégrés au trafic maritime.