Bay of Biscay
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The analysis focuses on monitoring the ecological status of the coastal and transitional waters of the Western Channel and the Bay of Biscay. The ecological status of a coastal water body within the meaning of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is determined by the biological state, physicochemical state and hydromorphological state of the water mass, water. The statement is determined according to the rules described in the decree of 25 January 2010.
Toxic discharges from urban and industrial sources per hydrographic zone of the Loire Bretagne basin. This data was collected as part of the initial assessment of the MSFD with the Water Agency of Loire-Bretagne. Referent expert AAMP: Aurélie Blanck.
The chemical status of a coastal water body (coastal water or transition water) is determined by the most declassing of the defined states for heavy metals, pesticides, industrial pollutants and other pollutants taken into account by the WFD . The assessment is done once per management plan (once every six years). The most recent assessment of the state of the chemical state is presented in the DCE Loire-Bretagne atlas. Earlier reports are available in annual archives.
Excess nitrogen from agricultural drainage by hydrographic zone in the Adour-Garonne basin. This data was collected as part of the "initial state" phase of DCSSM with the Adour-Garonne Water Agency. Referent expert AAMP : Aurélie Blanck. Partial description of the fields: "kgN_ha_an" : nitrogen surplus (kgN / ha / year)
Excess nitrogen from agricultural drainage by hydrographic zone in the Loire-Bretagne basin. This data was collected as part of the "initial state" phase of DCSSM with the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency. Referent expert AAMP : Aurélie Blanck.
Discharges of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter) and toxic releases (MI) per hydrographic zone from industries and communities of the Adour-Garonne basin. This data was collected as part of the initial assessment of the MSFD with the Water Agency of Adour-Garonne. Referent expert AAMP: Aurélie Blanck.
Discharges of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter per hydrographic zone from industries and communities in the Loire-Brittany basin. This data was collected as part of the initial assessment of the MSFD with the Water Agency of Loire-Bretagne. Referent expert AAMP: Aurélie Blanck.
The analysis concerns the assessment of the overall state of the coastal and transitional waters of the Western Channel and the Bay of Biscay. It results from the combination of the ecological status and the chemical status of each water body according to the rules of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The most recent assessment of the state is presented in the DCE Loire-Bretagne atlas. Earlier reports are available in annual archives.