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The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents. The data are collected from the Surface Drifter Data Assembly Centre (SD-DAC at NOAA AOML). All surface drifters data have been processed to check for drogue loss. Drogued and undrogued drifting buoy surface ocean currents are provided with a drogue presence flag as well as a wind slippage correction for undrogued buoys. Altimeter and wind data have been used to extract the direct wind slippage from the total drifting buoy velocities. This product is designed to be assimilated into or for validation purposes of operational models operated by ocean forecasting centers for reanalysis purposes or for research community. These users need data aggregated and quality controlled in a reliable and documented manner.
Multimission altimeter satellite gridded sea surface heights and derived variables computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. Previously distributed by Aviso+, no change in the scientific content. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. The sla is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date).
Ssalto/Duacs multimission gridded sea surface heights products. From January 1993 to the last extension of the Delayed-time products, the long delayed-time dataset allows to compute statistical means of Maps of Sea Level Anomalies (MSLA) over different periods of time. Computed with respect to a twenty-year mean profile [1993-2012], and including the seasonal variability (no annual cycle is removed).
Eddies detected in Delayed-Time (DT) for the entire period [1993 - present]. Variables provided include day-by-day, and for one rotation type (Cyclonic/Anticyclonic) : - Center position (Longitude and latitude of the center of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Amplitude (|SSH(local_extremum) – SSH(outermost_contour)|); - Speed radius (Radius of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Speed average (Average geostrophic speed of the contour defining the speed radius); - Speed profile (Profile speed average values from effective contour inwards to smallest inner contour); - Effective contour (Largest contour of the detected eddy); - Speed contour (Contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed for the detected eddy).
Eddies detected in Delayed-Time (DT) for the entire period [1993 - present]. Variables provided include day-by-day, and for one rotation type (Cyclonic/Anticyclonic) : - Center position (Longitude and latitude of the center of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Amplitude (|SSH(local_extremum) – SSH(outermost_contour)|); - Speed radius (Radius of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Speed average (Average geostrophic speed of the contour defining the speed radius); - Speed profile (Profile speed average values from effective contour inwards to smallest inner contour); - Effective contour (Largest contour of the detected eddy); - Speed contour (Contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed for the detected eddy).
The continuously updated version of Copernicus Argo floats realtime currents product is distributed from Copernicus Marine catalogue: - The Argo current product generated by Copernicus in situ TAC is derived from the original trajectory data from Argo GDAC (Global Data Assembly Center) available at: - Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). SEANOE. In 2021, the GDAC distributes data from more than 15,000 Argo floats. Deep ocean current is calculated from floats drift at parking depth, surface current is calculated from float surface drift. An Argo float drifts freely in the global ocean, performing regular observation cycles. An observation cycle usually spreads over 10 days : - a surface descent to a parking depth (generally 1500 meters deep) - a 10-day drift at this parking depth - an ascent to the surface (vertical profile) - A short surface drift for data transmission The data transmitted at each cycle contain temperature, salinity observations (and additional biogeochemical parameters if applicable), positions (gps or argos), technical data. The ocean current product contains a NetCDF file for each Argo float. It is updated daily in real time by automated processes. For each cycle it contains the surface and deep current variables: - Date (time, time_qc) - Position (latitude, longitude, position_qc) - Pressure (pres, pres_qc, representative_park_pressure for parking drift, 0 decibar for surface drift) - Current (ewct, ewct_qc, nsct, nsct_qc; the current vector is positioned and dated at the last position of the N-1 cycle) - Duration (days) of the current variable sampling (time_interval) - Grounded indicator - Positions and dates have a QC 1 (good data). Positions and dates that do not have a QC 1 are ignored. The positions are measured during the surface drift (Argos or GPS positioning). For the deep current of cycle N, we take the last good position of cycle N-1 and the first good position of cycle N. For the surface current of cycle N, we take the first and last good position of the N cycle.
Eddies detected in Delayed-Time (DT) for the entire period [1993 - present]. Variables provided include day-by-day, and for one rotation type (Cyclonic/Anticyclonic) : - Center position (Longitude and latitude of the center of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Amplitude (|SSH(local_extremum) – SSH(outermost_contour)|); - Speed radius (Radius of the best fit circle with the contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed); - Speed average (Average geostrophic speed of the contour defining the speed radius); - Speed profile (Profile speed average values from effective contour inwards to smallest inner contour); - Effective contour (Largest contour of the detected eddy); - Speed contour (Contour of maximum circum-average geostrophic speed for the detected eddy).
Web portal providing physical state forecasting for the Mediterranean Sea.
Multimission altimeter satellite gridded sea surface heights and derived variables computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. Previously distributed by Aviso+, no change in the scientific content. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-3. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. The sla is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date).
This delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents and current vertical profiles. It concerns three delayed time datasets dedicated to near-surface currents measurements coming from three platforms (Lagrangian surface drifters, High Frequency radars and Argo floats) and velocity profiles within the water column coming from the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP, vessel mounted only). The latest version of Copernicus surface and sub-surface water velocity product is also distributed from Copernicus Marine catalogue.