EMODNet Hydrography
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DTM derived from a hydrographic survey (EMEPC LH1) performed within the scope of the Portuguese Continental Shelf Extension Project (UNCLOS). The data made available to the Emodnet project was sampled from the survey data with an aproximate 250m sampling interval, in N-S and E-W directions.
DTM data source was received from the data center (Bathymetrisches Datenzentrum) of the German Hydrographic Office (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) at a variable resolution. The data was then processed by ATLIS b.v. using the ATLIS SENS software suite and compiled into an EMODnet regional DTM. Although the resolution varied throughout the dataset, no interpolation was required to create a geographic grid of 0.0041667 degrees resolution.
Composite DTM of Mediterranean Continental Shelf at approximately 225m of resolution
Composite DTM of Gerona (Catalan Margin) at approximately 250m of resolution will a cell size of 100m
Composite DTM of Formentera Island, south margin, at approximately 200m of resolution
Composite DTM of “Golfo de Vera” (Andalucía and Murcia margin) at approximately 225 m of resolution.
Composite DTM of Alborán Sea at approximately 250m of resolution
Composite DTM of Catalan margin at approximately 250m of resolution
500m gridded dataset extracted from Portuguese EMEPC multibeam hydrographic surveys, performed within the scope of the Portuguese Continental Shelf Extension Project (UNCLOS)
Depth derived from the International Bathymetric Chart of Mediterranean (IBCM) database http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/ibcm/