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This study aims to compare different metabarcoding sequences of commercially fished shrimps collected by tree counties on the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem
160 whole genomes sequences obtained from 160 individual fish samples representing about 100 different species present in Gulf of Lion, and bay of Biscay.
Fronts are ubiquitous discrete features of the global ocean often associated with enhanced vertical velocities, in turn boosting primary production and so forth. Fronts thus form dynamical and ephemeral ecosystems where numerous species meet across all trophic levels. Fronts are also targeted by fisheries. Capturing ocean fronts and studying their long-term variability in relation with climate change is thus key for marine resource management and spatial planning. The Mediterranean Sea and the Southwest Indian Ocean are natural laboratories to study front-marine life interactions due to their energetic flow at sub-to-mesoscales, high biodiversity (including endemic and endangered species) and numerous conservation initiatives. Based on remotely-sensed Sea Surface Temperature and Height, we compute thermal fronts (2003-2020) and attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures (1994-2020), in both regions over several decades. We advocate for the combined use of both thermal fronts and attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures to study front-marine life interactions. The resulting front database differs from other alternatives by its high spatio-temporal resolution, long time coverage, and relevant thresholds defined for ecological provinces.
The present data set concerne metabarcoding raw reads produced using 4 different PCR targeting polymerase or capside coding region of the genoyupe I and II of norovirus. Test samples of norovirus with serial dilutions in pure water and after a bio-accumulation in oysters. Sequencing was made after VirCapSeq-VERT approach.
In order to better characterize the genetic diversity of Cetaceans and especially the common Dolphin from the Bay of Biscay, sequences from the mitochondrial Cytochrome B region were obtained from water samples acquired close to groups of dolphins.
Here, our study aimed to first assess the influence of plastic on the bacterial community belonging to water, plastic and the microbiome of the giant clam and on the organism's physiology of this putative sentinel species. Our second objective was to identify bacteria whose abundance varies significantly with plastic concentration. Overall, this study will fill the gap towards a better understanding of the impact of plastic pollution on bacterial community assemblages in both inert and living environments.
In order to better characterize the population structure of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the Bay of Biscay, a single digest RADseq (SbfI enzyme) protocol was used to obtain paired-end, 150bp NGS sequences on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform. D. delphis samples from the Western North Atlantic, and samples from three other delphinid species were included as outgroups.
DNA sequencing of Crassostrea gigas Pacific oyster spat experimentally infected with OsHV-1 virus from oyster basin of Marennes-Oleron
Successive infections with Vibrio harveyi were conducted in two populations of the European abalone in order to examine which genes may be involved in improved survival to the disease in the St. Malo population.