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  • SYKE Alg@line project in the Baltic Sea monitors the state of the sea and detects algal blooms. Several millions of data points are collected annually from the Baltic Sea, using a fleet of 5-7 ferries. Two best equipped ferries offered in TNA are m/s Silja Serenade, which travels daily between Helsinki and Stockholm (Sweden) and m/s Finnmaid, which travels approx. twice a week from Helsinki to Travemünde (Germany) and back. Both ferries are equipped with flow-through system with thermosalinograph, chlorohyll, phycocyanin and CDOM fluorometers, turbiditymeter and refrigerated sampling unit providing discrete water samples for laboratory analyses (e.g. microscopy, flowCAM, nutrients, optical analysis, experimental work). Additional sensors e.g. for primary production (FRRF) and light reflectance are used periodically, new sensors for light absorption and pCO2 will be soon implemented. Data can be retrieved in real time using satellite or GSM connection (basic sensors) or downloaded during harbour visits (additional sensors). Alg@line data is available e.g. through MyOcean and has also been delivered to users based on mutual cooperation, including scientific advice. Algaline ships maintained by SYKE host measurement systems from other countries, and periodically they are used as platforms for international short-term studies.

  • SYKE Alg@line project in the Baltic Sea monitors the state of the sea and detects algal blooms. Several millions of data points are collected annually from the Baltic Sea, using a fleet of 5-7 ferries. Two best equipped ferries offered in TNA are m/s Silja Serenade, which travels daily between Helsinki and Stockholm (Sweden) and m/s Finnmaid, which travels approx. twice a week from Helsinki to Travemünde (Germany) and back. Both ferries are equipped with flow-through system with thermosalinograph, chlorohyll, phycocyanin and CDOM fluorometers, turbiditymeter and refrigerated.sampling unit providing discrete water samples for laboratory analyses (e.g. microscopy, flowCAM, nutrients, optical analysis, experimental work). Additional sensors e.g. for primary production (FRRF) and light reflectance are used periodically, new sensors for light absorption and pCO2 will be soon implemented. Data can be retrieved in real time using satellite or GSM connection (basic sensors) or downloaded during harbour visits (additional sensors). Alg@line data is available e.g. through MyOcean and has also been delivered to users based on mutual cooperation, including scientific advice. Algaline ships maintained by SYKE host measurement systems from other countries, and periodically they are used as platforms for international short-term studies.

  • The oceanographic data from the Oslofjord at 1 m and 60 m are in the range of a salinity of ~10-34 and a temperature range of -1 to 20 °C. Other sensor data that can be available are Chl-a fluorescence, turbidity, pH and pCO2. The station will give access to the above data for doing research on biogeochemistry and climate. NIVA staff will support via data QC and setup of remote data access.

  • Data access will be provided in near real time and in delayed mode. Parameters include salinity, temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity, oxygen, pH, pCO2, wave height and direction, current speed and direction and also in air data on temperature, irradiation and air pressure. Also data from laboratory analyses of water samples are included, e.g. chlorophyll, salinity, CDOM, coloured dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton abundance and biodiversity. Data is distributed through the Baltic Operational Oceanographic System, BOOS and through the Swedish Oceanographic Data Centre at SMHI. Data is accessible through download and through web services. Data and metadata is delivered through SMHI systems for distributing oceanographic data, e.g. according to EU standards and procedures.