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  • The Pelagos database is the result of collaborative work by the Réseau des Stations et Observatoires Marins (RESOMAR), now part of the ILICO research infrastructure. It brings together biodiversity data from the coastal pelagic ecosystem (including time series). One of the goals is to exploit the biological information acquired, to answer scientific questions concerning, for example, the factors controlling the distribution and abundance of pelagic organisms at different spatial and time scales.

  • The SOMLIT-SOGIR time-series data characterize the hydrology of the Gironde Estuary ecosystem, located in the South-western France and flowing into the Bay of Biscay. Monthly-like measurements have been undertaken since 1997 by the OASU and EPOC teams (Univ. Bordeaux/CNRS). The SOMLIT-SOGIR time series is a part of the French monitoring network SOMLIT (, labelled by the CNRS as a national Earth Science Observatory (Service National d’Observation : SNO). It aims to detect the long-term evolution of monitored ecosystems including both natural and anthropogenic forcings. Implemented at three sites (PK 30: 45.06833°N, 0.63833°W; PK 52: 45.24667°N, 0.725°W; PK 86:  45.5167°N, 0.95°W), the SOMLIT-SOGIR time series is among the oldest long-term coastal observation time series of the French Research Infrastructure dedicated to coastal ocean observations (RI ILICO, SOMLIT-SOGIR samples are collected at 1m below the water surface and 1m above the floor, at high and low tide, during slack water. Samples collected are analysed for 15 core parameters: water temperature and salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, silicic acid, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic carbone, particulate nitrogen, chlorophyll a, delta15N and delta13C. CTD-PAR-profile is also performed at site PK86 during high tide. The SOMLIT network quality management system is in line with the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard: “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. Further information on standard operating procedures for sample collection and data acquisition are available at: For more information on the quality flagging scheme:

  • La problématique concerne l'impact du changement global sur les zones côtières et son importance relative par rapport aux activités humaines locales (global vs local). L'objectif général de SOMLIT est orienté vers la détection de ce forçage en zones côtières fortement influencées par les impacts locaux des activités humaines. L'étude du littoral français dans son ensemble, rendue possible par le choix de sites à situation de normalité, d'un suivi de paramètres pertinents, d'un échantillonnage bimensuel et de la mise en place d'une charte qualité, permet une approche multi-paramètres et multi-sites.