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  • SYKE Alg@line project in the Baltic Sea monitors the state of the sea and detects algal blooms. Several millions of data points are collected annually from the Baltic Sea, using a fleet of 5-7 ferries. Two best equipped ferries offered in TNA are m/s Silja Serenade, which travels daily between Helsinki and Stockholm (Sweden) and m/s Finnmaid, which travels approx. twice a week from Helsinki to Travemünde (Germany) and back. Both ferries are equipped with flow-through system with thermosalinograph, chlorohyll, phycocyanin and CDOM fluorometers, turbiditymeter and refrigerated sampling unit providing discrete water samples for laboratory analyses (e.g. microscopy, flowCAM, nutrients, optical analysis, experimental work). Additional sensors e.g. for primary production (FRRF) and light reflectance are used periodically, new sensors for light absorption and pCO2 will be soon implemented. Data can be retrieved in real time using satellite or GSM connection (basic sensors) or downloaded during harbour visits (additional sensors). Alg@line data is available e.g. through MyOcean and has also been delivered to users based on mutual cooperation, including scientific advice. Algaline ships maintained by SYKE host measurement systems from other countries, and periodically they are used as platforms for international short-term studies.

  • SYKE Alg@line project in the Baltic Sea monitors the state of the sea and detects algal blooms. Several millions of data points are collected annually from the Baltic Sea, using a fleet of 5-7 ferries. Two best equipped ferries offered in TNA are m/s Silja Serenade, which travels daily between Helsinki and Stockholm (Sweden) and m/s Finnmaid, which travels approx. twice a week from Helsinki to Travemünde (Germany) and back. Both ferries are equipped with flow-through system with thermosalinograph, chlorohyll, phycocyanin and CDOM fluorometers, turbiditymeter and refrigerated.sampling unit providing discrete water samples for laboratory analyses (e.g. microscopy, flowCAM, nutrients, optical analysis, experimental work). Additional sensors e.g. for primary production (FRRF) and light reflectance are used periodically, new sensors for light absorption and pCO2 will be soon implemented. Data can be retrieved in real time using satellite or GSM connection (basic sensors) or downloaded during harbour visits (additional sensors). Alg@line data is available e.g. through MyOcean and has also been delivered to users based on mutual cooperation, including scientific advice. Algaline ships maintained by SYKE host measurement systems from other countries, and periodically they are used as platforms for international short-term studies.

  • The oceanographic data from the Oslofjord at 1 m and 60 m are in the range of a salinity of ~10-34 and a temperature range of -1 to 20 °C. Other sensor data that can be available are Chl-a fluorescence, turbidity, pH and pCO2. The station will give access to the above data for doing research on biogeochemistry and climate. NIVA staff will support via data QC and setup of remote data access.

  • COSYNA (Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas) is an operational coastal monitoring, forecasting and information system for the North Sea composed by fixed platforms, FerryBoxes, gliders and HF-radar systems. It is being developed by institutes of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and collaborating institutions and is operated by the HZG Research Centre. The infrastructure represents an investment of 9 M €. It was build up since 2007 and is fully operational since 2012. COSYNA_GL is one of the 2 gliders of the system (TWR Slocum Electric, 100 m) equipped with CTD, Wetlabs ECO puck FLNTU (fluorescence and turbidity) and CDOM fluorescence.

  • This tool will visualise data collected during surveys and research cruises with the RV Cefas Endeavour focusing on chlorophyll a and phytoplankton functional types. It will make the link between the in-situ measurement and the Earth Observation and modelling and will develop the combined data set approach for the descriptors 1, 4, and 5 for MSFD. Primarily, developed in R shiny, with a tab for exploring each dataset, and a front page where datasets can be visualised concurrently, the tool will propose products using the outputs from the different approaches and will be included in the products and services Cefas portfolio.