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Along-track altimetric measurements averaged over 1 second, geophysical and environmental corrections to apply. Available missions are: Topex/Poseidon, Envisat, Jason-1, Jason2, Jason-3, Saral and SWOT.
Multimission gridded Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) means derived from sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean profile [1993-2012], and including the seasonal variability (NB. annual cycle is not removed) averaged, month by month from January 1993.
Auxiliary products
Ssalto/Duacs multimission gridded sea surface heights products. From January 1993 to the last extension of the Delayed-time products, the long delayed-time dataset allows to compute statistical means of Maps of Sea Level Anomalies (MSLA) over different periods of time. Computed with respect to a twenty-year mean profile [1993-2012], and including the seasonal variability (no annual cycle is removed).
Monomission Sentinel-3A altimetry product, LR-RMC mode (Low-Resolution with Range Migration Correction) with along-track level-2 estimations at 20Hz rate in LR-RMC mode. LR-RMC associated waveforms are also included, as well with the geophysical corrections applied to the altimeter range (SGDR files).
Multimission gridded Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) means derived from sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean profile [1993-2012], and including the seasonal variability (NB. annual cycle is not removed) averaged, month by month from January 1993.
Auxiliary products - Tide elevations, Tide currents, Tide loading
The global mean level of the oceans is one of the most important indicators of climate change. It incorporates the reactions from several different components of the climate system. Precise monitoring of changes in the mean level of the oceans, particularly through the use of altimetry satellites, is vitally important, for understanding not just the climate but also the socioeconomic consequences of any rise in sea level.
Monomission altimeter product, available for several missions in Near-Real Time (NRT), Short Critical Time (SCT) and Non Time Critical Time (NTC)
GDR L2 from ESA Baseline-C converted by CTOH into netCDF, splited by ascending/descending pass and augmented of recent corrections