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  • POSEIDON is an operational marine monitoring, forecasting and information system for the Greek Seas. The observing component is a distributed infrastructure made by three coastal buoys (Saronikos buoy-SB, Heraklion Coastal Buoy-HCB and Athos buoy-AB) and one FerryBox (PFB). A calibration laboratory (see Chapter 2) is supporting the observing activities. The Athos buoy is equipped with meteo sensors and T, C/S, DO, fluorescence and turbidity sensors up to 100m in depth, is located in the coastal area in the Northern Aegean, representative of mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions affected by circulation. Although coastal the depth of the water column allows deeper observations.

  • Data access will be provided in near real time and in delayed mode. Parameters include salinity, temperature, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity, oxygen, pH, pCO2, wave height and direction, current speed and direction and also in air data on temperature, irradiation and air pressure. Also data from laboratory analyses of water samples are included, e.g. chlorophyll, salinity, CDOM, coloured dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton abundance and biodiversity. Data is distributed through the Baltic Operational Oceanographic System, BOOS and through the Swedish Oceanographic Data Centre at SMHI. Data is accessible through download and through web services. Data and metadata is delivered through SMHI systems for distributing oceanographic data, e.g. according to EU standards and procedures.

  • WMS/WFS services for marine chemical datasets used in EMODNet Chemistry and provided by SeaDataNet. The data distribution is managed by the Common Data Index (CDI) Data Discovery and Access service. The service offers layers based on the chemical observations in CDI as grouped per vocabulary P36.

  • WMS/WFS services for marine chemical datasets used in EMODNet Chemistry and provided by SeaDataNet. The data distribution is managed by the Common Data Index (CDI) Data Discovery and Access service

  • WMS/WFS services for marine chemical datasets used in EMODNet Chemistry and provided by SeaDataNet. The data distribution is managed by the Common Data Index (CDI) Data Discovery and Access service

  • WMS/WFS services for marine chemical datasets used in EMODNet Chemistry and provided by SeaDataNet. The data distribution is managed by the Common Data Index (CDI) Data Discovery and Access service. The service offers layers based on the chemical observations in CDI as grouped per vocabulary P36.

  • The data recorded by the oceanographic platforms operate in the Aegean and the Ionian Seas (fixed stations, ferry box system, gliders) are released through the POSEIDON portal. Physical and biochemical parameters of the marine environment as well as atmospheric parameters in the fixed station locations are available both in real time and delayed mode. The forecasting module of the POSEIDON system consists of four numerical models that provide in daily basis forecasts regarding the atmospheric, sea state, hydrodynamic and ecological conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The online POSEIDON database contains the data recorded by the insitu platforms offering also downloading functions for the whole data set, while a user-friendly tool is also available for accessing the results of all the forecasting models for the last five years.

  • HF Radar System