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This document serves as the technical manual of the alpha version of the system performance and energy yield module, including all the data requirements, main functions, interfaces and all the pertinent technical details.
This document is an update of the first version of the data management plan. This version describes in more detail the practical data management procedures implemented by the DTOceanPlus project.
This report describes the compilation of required data inputs for the various validation scenarios. Each scenario is characterised through a set of project data, inherent to the technology as well as meteocean conditions and other location related data. Further engagement with the validation leaders is ensuring that the data is adequately formatted for the purposes of running the DTOcean+ tools.
The present document gathers the results from the analysis of the business plan basics presented in the proposal and further describes the value-added professional services and products.
This document serves as the technical manual of the alpha version of the energy transformation module. It includes all the data requirements, main functions, interfaces and all the pertinent technical details describing the alpha version of the module for the energy transformation of an array of wave energy converters or tidal energy converters.
This report collects the outcome of the work carried out to fully describing the data used for a generic ocean energy system design in a structured manner. This has been done by means of the definition of a digital representation for the elements of the whole system at different levels of aggregation (array, devices, sub-systems, and components) and accounting for different levels of complexity of the project. The ambition of the present framework is to standardise the data formats describing an ocean energy design so that it can be used as a common interchange language among different sector actors
The data management plan covers the complete research data life cycle. It describes the types of data that will be generated or collected during the project, the standards that will be used, how the data will be preserved and what parts of the datasets will be shared for verification or reuse.
The present document refines the previous version submitted in October 2019, updates the initial assumptions, and depicts more clearly the exploitation routes and actions to reduce risks.
This deliverable is a review of existing approaches and methodologies for the analysis of ocean energy arrays with a clear focus on the results and conclusions provided by previous experiences. The key outcome is the definition of quantifiable and qualitative metrics for economic viability, reliability and environmental impact which have been adopted in the global set of tools developed within the project DTOcean
A coherent set of functional and technical requirements have been developed for the DTOcean+ suite of design tools based on analysis of gaps between the current state-of-the-art tools, learning from the original DTOcean project, and the stakeholder expectations identified in the user consultation survey. The technical requirements in this document are translated from the general requirements for the software suite of tools, and specific requirements (functional, operational, user, interfacing, and data) for the assessment tools that will be developed as part of this project.