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  • This is a portion of the data used to calculate 2008 and 2013 cumulative human impacts in: Halpern et al. 2015. Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world's ocean. Seven data packages are available for this project: (1) supplementary data (habitat data and other files); (2) raw stressor data (2008 and 2013); (3) stressor data rescaled by one time period (2008 and 2013, scaled from 0-1); (4) stressor data rescaled by two time periods (2008 and 2013, scaled from 0-1); (5) pressure and cumulative impacts data (2013, all pressures); (6) pressure and cumulative impacts data (2008 and 2013, subset of pressures updated for both time periods); (7) change in pressures and cumulative impact (2008 to 2013). All raster files are .tif format and coordinate reference system is mollweide wgs84. Here is an overview of the calculations: Raw stressor data -> rescaled stressor data (values between 0-1) -> pressure data (stressor data after adjusting for habitat/pressure vulnerability) -> cumulative impact (sum of pressure data) -> difference between 2008 and 2013 pressure and cumulative impact data. This data package includes 2008 and 2013 raw stressor data. The 2008 data includes 18 raster files (preceeded by raw_2008_). The 2013 data includes 19 raster files (preceeded by raw_2013_). There is no sea level rise data for 2008.