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  • "Aids ton navigation" product contains a description of landmarks, beaconage or buoyage, in the French Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). <br /> June 21 2024 version

  • "Harbour Information" product contains 13 object classes, the acronyms used are those of IHO standard S-57 - International Hydrographic Organization – ( - Berth (BERTHS): place in which a ship is moored at wharf - Isolated building localizing a harbour office (BUISGL) - Checkpoint (CHKPNT) - Crane (CRANES) - Floating dock (FLODOC): floating structure of one or more sections which can be partly submerged by controlled flooding to receive a vessel, then raised by pumping out the water so that the vessel's bottom can be exposed for maintenance. - Gridiron (GRIDRN): structure in the intertidal zone serving as a support for vessels at low tide to permit work on the exposed portion of the vessel's hull. - Harbour area (HRBARE) : administrative area of a port, including all docking and handling facilities, as well as short-term storage facilities. - Harbour facility (HRBFAC) - Hulk (HULKES) : hull of a wrecked or condemned ship, from which the fittings and superstructure have usually been removed, which is moored in a permanent position or grounded. - Oil barrier (OILBAR) - Pilot boarding place (PILBOP) - Rescue station (RSCSTA) - Small craft facility (SMCFAC) Detailed definitions of each of these object classes can be found in the S-57 standard ( An online catalog is available at Some of the symbols used for display on portal have been adapted from icons from the OpenSeaMap open library (