IWWOC Global Ocean Wave Spectra Colocations between SWIM onboard CFOSAT and WaveWatch III
The Ifremer Wind and Wave Operation Center (IWWOC) runs daily the WaveWatch III (WW3) model to provide surface wave colocations with both SCAT and SWIM instruments onboard CFOSAT. CFOSAT (Chinese French Ocean SATellite) is a french-chinese mission launched in 2018, whose aim is to provide wind (SCAT instrument) and wave (SWIM instrument) measurements over the sea surface.
Directional wave spectra are calculated over SWIM sensing geometries over each measurement, thanks to the dedicated toolbox (WAVERUN) which was developed by IFREMER for the colocation of WW3 and satellite remote sensing products.
The current Ifremer WW3 run is global, hourly and at 0.25° spatial resolution. Two different colocation product are generated:
- WW3 with CWWIC L2 provides WW3 directional spectra over the CWWIC SWIM L2 geometry, meaning a colocated valid is provided for each box defined in CWWIC L2 product.
- WW3 with IWWOC L2S provides a WW3 directional spectra over IWWOC SWI_L2S__ product.
For each of these products, a colocation product is provided respetively for each input file from CWWIC SWI_L2___ and IWWOC SWI_L2S (for each incidence in the later one). It contains the modelled spectral density and all forcing fields: current, wind, friction velocity, air sea temperature difference. Other parameters can be added in the future.
The SWIM and WW3 colocation product is generated and distributed by Ifremer / CERSAT in the frame of the Ifremer Wind and Wave Operation Center (IWWOC) co-funded by Ifremer and CNES and dedicated to the processing of the delayed mode data of CFOSAT mission.
Note: colocations with SCAT instrument onboard CFOSAT are also within the SWISCA L2S product also available at IWWOC. It provides WW3 directional spectra over SCAT L2A geometry, meaning a model value is calculated for each Wind Vector Cell (WVC) of L2A/L2B types of SCAT product.
- Date (Creation)
- 2020-04-22
- Date (Publication)
- 2022-03-07
- Identifier
- IWWOC_SWI_WW3___ / 1.0
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Oceanographic geographical features
- Cersat - Parameter
- Ocean Waves
- Cersat - Project
- Cersat - Latency
- Less than 4 days
- Cersat - GCMD parameter
- /Ocean Waves/Wave Spectra
- Centre de données ODATIS
- Type de jeux de donnée ODATIS
- /Observational data/satellite
- Use limitation
- None
- Access constraints
- unrestricted
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- CC-BY (Creative Commons - Attribution)
- Other constraints
- Ifremer / CERSAT. 2022. Global Ocean Wave Spectra Colocations between SWIM onboard CFOSAT and WaveWatch III for IWWOC project. Ver. 1.0. Ifremer, Plouzane, France. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD]
- Spatial representation type
- grid Grid
- Distance
- 0.25 degree
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Geographic identifier
- Global
- Begin date
- 2020-01-02
- Reference system identifier
- http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
Ifremer HTTPS server
- OnLine resource
Ifremer FTP server
- OnLine resource
Local path on Datarmor
Local path
- OnLine resource
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ( DOI )
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Attribute description
- orbit
- Processing level code
- L2 /
- File identifier
- 2bee48a0-644a-477e-b25b-e558f2c1fc04 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-10-15T14:58:28.050661Z
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115-3:2018 - Remote Sensing

Spatial extent
Provided by