IWWOC Global Monthly Ocean Wave Statistics Level 3 from SWIM onboard CFOSAT
The main objective of the SWIM Level 3 (L3) product is to provide global gridded wave statistics from the along-track directional wave spectra measures, as observed with SWIM instrument onboard CFOSAT. CFOSAT (Chinese French Ocean SATellite) is a french-chinese mission launched in 2018, whose aim is to provide wind (SCAT instrument) and wave (SWIM instrument) measurements over the sea surface.
The processing uses the integrated parameters (wave length, significant wave height, direction) of the wave systems associated with the individual partitions retrieved from SWIM wave spectra, computing monthly statistics such as distribution, min, max, mean and median over a global 2 degree resolution grid. Three sub-products are generated separately for each SWIM beam (from 4° to 10°) from respectively the SWIM Level 2 spectra produced by the CWWIC center (CNES), the SWIM Level 2S spectra produced by the IWWOC center (Ifremer) and forecast spectra produced from WaveWatch3 wave model at Ifremer as an independent source for comparison.
The SWIM level 3 dataset is generated in delayed mode. It is currently mainly meant as a validation dataset aiming at inter-comparing the different SWIM Level 2 between each other, with an independent model (here WaveWatch3) or other external similar wave statistics products.
The SWIM L3 dataset is generated and distributed by Ifremer / CERSAT in the frame of the Ifremer Wind and Wave Operation Center (IWWOC) co-funded by Ifremer and CNES and dedicated to the processing of the delayed mode data of CFOSAT mission.
- Date (Creation)
- 2023-02-01
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-02-01
- Identifier
- IWWOC_SWI_L3____ / 1.0
- Status
- onGoing On going
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Oceanographic geographical features
- Cersat - Parameter
- Ocean Waves
- Cersat - Project
- Cersat - Latency
- Less than 4 months
- Cersat - GCMD parameter
- /Ocean Waves/Wave Length
- /Ocean Waves/Significant Wave Height
- /Ocean Waves/Wave Speed/Direction
- /Ocean Waves
- Centre de données ODATIS
- Type de jeux de donnée ODATIS
- /Observational data/satellite
- Use limitation
- None
- Access constraints
- unrestricted
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- CC-BY (Creative Commons - Attribution)
- Other constraints
- Ifremer / CERSAT. 2023. Global Monthly Ocean Wave Statistics Level 3 from SWIM onboard CFOSAT for IWWOC project. Ver. 1.0. Ifremer, Plouzane, France. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD]
- Spatial representation type
- grid Grid
- Distance
- 2 degree
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Geographic identifier
- Global
- Begin date
- 2019-04-25
- Reference system identifier
- http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
Ifremer FTP server
- OnLine resource
- Ifremer HTTP server ( WWW:LINK )
- OnLine resource
Local path on Datarmor
Local path
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Processing level code
- L3 /
- File identifier
- 6c201d59-453a-4c6b-b634-5637f8fcb96d XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-10-15T14:58:03.758019Z
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115-3:2018 - Remote Sensing

Spatial extent
Provided by