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  • Gridded Distribution of Species as reported during the Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) covering the period 2001 to 2006. The data covers the EU 25. All Member States are requested by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) to monitor habitat types and species considered to be of Community interest. Article 17 of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC requires that every 6 years Member States prepare reports to be sent to the European Commission on the implementation of the Directive. The Article 17 report for the period 2001-2006 for the first time includes assessments on the conservation status of the habitat types and species of Community interest. Information on the data quality of the 2001-2006 reporting round is available at

  • Auteur(s): Sourgens Carole , Projet urbain de bâtiments (de logements?) s'insérant dans le réseau dense et complexe du quartier historique St-Pierre à Bordeaux

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean, the L4 multi-sensor daily satellite product is a 2km horizontal resolution subskin sea surface temperature analysis. This SST analysis is run by Meteo France CMS and is built using the European Ocean L3S products originating from bias-corrected European Ocean L3C mono-sensor products at 0.02 degrees resolution. This analysis uses the analysis of the previous day at the same time as first guess field. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean- The L3 multi-sensor (supercollated) product is built from bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) products at the resolution 0.02 degrees. If the native collated resolution is N and N < 0.02 the change (degradation) of resolution is done by averaging the best quality data. If N > 0.02 the collated data are associated to the nearest neighbour without interpolation nor artificial increase of the resolution. A synthesis of the bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) files remapped at resolution R is done through a selection of data based on the following hierarchy: AVHRR_METOP_B, VIIRS_NPP, SLSTRA, SEVIRI, AVHRRL-19, MODIS_A, MODIS_T, AMSR2. This hierarchy can be changed in time depending on the health of each sensor. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operational and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For The Global Ocean - The GHRSST Multi-Product Ensemble (GMPE) system has been implemented at the Met Office which takes inputs from various analysis production centres on a routine basis and produces ensemble products at 0.25deg.x0.25deg. horizontal resolution. A large number of sea surface temperature (SST) analyses are produced by various institutes around the world, making use of the SST observations provided by the Global High Resolution SST (GHRSST) project. These are used by a number of groups including: numerical weather prediction centres; ocean forecasting groups; climate monitoring and research groups. There is a requirement to develop international collaboration in this field in order to assess and inter-compare the different analyses, and to provide uncertainty estimates on both the analyses and observational products. The GMPE system has been developed for these purposes and is run on a daily basis at the Met Office, producing global ensemble median and standard deviations for SST on a regular 1/4 degree resolution global grid. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • Ensemble de 2 cartes représentant d'une part l'immobilier d'entreprise existant en Bergeracois ainsi que la répartition des zones d'activités et des projets inscrits au contrat de Pays.

  • The EMODnet Bathymetry portal is operated and further developed by a European partnership. This comprises members of the SeaDataNet consortium together with organisations from marine science, the hydrographic survey community, and industry. The partners combine expertises and experiences of collecting, processing, and managing of bathymetric data together with expertises in distributed data infrastructure development and operation and providing OGC services (WMS, WFS, and WCS) for viewing and distribution. SeaDataNet is a leading infrastructure in Europe for marine & ocean data management, initiated and managed by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC's). It is actively operating and further developing a Pan-European infrastructure for managing, indexing and providing access to ocean and marine data sets and data products, acquired via research cruises and other in-situ observational activities. The basis of SeaDataNet is interconnecting Data Centres into a distributed network of data resources with common standards for metadata, vocabularies, data transport formats, quality control methods and flags, and access. SeaDataNet is aiming for an extensive coverage of available data sets for the various marine environmental disciplines, such as physical oceanography, marine chemistry, biology, biodiversity, geology, geophysics and bathymetry. This is implemented by seeking active cooperation at a national scale with institutes and at a European scale with communities, that are engaged in data management for these disciplines, and by seeking opportunities for including their data centres and data collections in the SeaDataNet metadata and data provision.

  • '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- the OSTIA global foundation Sea Surface Temperature product provides daily gap-free maps of : Foundation Sea Surface Temperature at 0.05° x 0.05° horizontal grid resolution, using in-situ and satellite data from both infrared and microwave radiometers. The Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis (OSTIA) system is run by the UK's Met Office and delivered by IFREMER PU. OSTIA uses satellite data provided by the GHRSST project together with in-situ observations to determine the sea surface temperature. A high resolution (1/20° - approx. 6 km) daily analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) is produced for the global ocean and some lakes. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • Auteur(s): Morel Hélène , Projet de reconversion de la grande halle en béton des anciens abattoirs de Bordeaux (quai de Paludate) en espace à dédié à la culture et aux loisirs

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' In wavenumber spectra, the 1hz measurement error is the noise level estimated as the mean value of energy at high wavenumbers (below 20km in term of wave length). The 1hz noise level spatial distribution follows the instrumental white-noise linked to the Surface Wave Height but also connections with the backscatter coefficient. The full understanding of this hump of spectral energy (Dibarboure et al., 2013, Investigating short wavelength correlated errors on low-resolution mode altimetry, OSTST 2013 presentation) still remain to be achieved and overcome with new retracking, new editing strategy or new technology. '''DOI (product) :'''