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  • The upper ocean pycnocline (UOP) monthly climatology is based on the ISAS20 ARGO dataset containing Argo and Deep-Argo temperature and salinity profiles on the period 2002-2020. Regardless of the season, the UOP is defined as the shallowest significant stratification peak captured by the method described in Sérazin et al. (2022), whose detection threshold is proportional to the standard deviation of the stratification profile. The three main characteristics of the UOP are provided -- intensity, depth and thickness -- along with hydrographic variables at the upper and lower edges of the pycnocline, the Turner angle and density ratio at the depth of the UOP. A stratification index (SI) that evaluates the amount of buoyancy required to destratify the upper ocean down to a certain depth, is also included. When evaluated at the bottom of the UOP, this gives the upper ocean stratification index (UOSI) as discussed in Sérazin et al. (2022). Three mixed layer depth variables are also included in this dataset, including the one using the classic density threshold of 0.03 kg.m-3, along with the minimum of these MLD variables. Several statistics of the UOP characteristics and the associated quantities are available in 2°×2° bins for each month of the year, whose results were smoothed using a diffusive gaussian filter with a 500 km scale. UOP characteristics are also available for each profile, with all the profiles sorted in one file per month.

  • The glider operations in the MOOSE network started to be deployed regularly in 2010 in the North Western Mediterranean Sea, thanks to the setup of national glider facilities at DT-INSU/Ifremer ( and with the support of the European project FP7-PERSEUS. Two endurance lines are operated: MooseT00 (Nice-Calvi; Ligurian Sea) and MooseT02 (Marseille-Menorca; Gulf of Lion). The all dataset here corresponds to raw data in the EGO format.

  • C-RAID project is a global reprocessing of drifting buoys data and metadata. The C-RAID dataset contains the metadata of 20 000 drifting buoys, deployed between 1979 and 2018. The data of 16 965 drifting buoys have been fully reprocessed and scientifically checked (delayed mode including comparison with ERA5 reanalysis). Context: The WMO DBCP Drifting Buoys GDAC (Ifremer, Meteo-France and Ocean-Canada ) is dedicated to improved quality control and delivery of drifting buoy of “climate quality”  data for the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS). Goal: clean-up an entire data archive for the past buoys deployed & reprocess the argos data & improve argos position quality (reprocessed with Kalman filter) Lead: The C-RAID project is funded by Copernicus through a contract with the European Environment Agency. Contract # EEA/IDM/15/026/LOT1 (For Services supporting the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) implementation of cross-cutting activities for coordination of the in-situ component of the Copernicus Programme Services). Stakeholders: DB-GDAC, Météo-France, EUMETNET (with its E-SURFMAR program), but also builds on NOAA AOML and JCOMMOPS expertise Challenge: reprocess/recover 22,000 years of data and make them accessible For whom? Copernicus Climate Change Service, Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, iQuam, ICOADS, GHRSST, ISPD, and ICDC. C-RAID deliverables - An improved drifting buoy data record for years 1979-2018 - FAIR interfaces to drifting buoys data in Ifremer GDAC: Web data discovery for human users API data discovery/subsetting/download services (machine-to-machine data access) What do we mean by “Improved drifting buoy data record”: - Missing datasets and parts of datasets recovered (data rescue) - Homogeneous and rich metadata and data format - Improved Argos locations with Kalman filter algorithm - Homogeneous QC and assessment on marine and atmospheric data

  • This product integrates observations aggregated and validated from the Regional EuroGOOS consortium (Arctic-ROOS, BOOS, NOOS, IBI-ROOS, MONGOOS and Black Sea GOOS) as well as from National Data Centers (NODCs) and JCOMM global systems (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, GTSPP, DBCP) and the Global telecommunication system (GTS) used by the Met Offices. Data are available in a dedicated directory to waves (INSITU_GLO_WAV_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_045) of GLOBAL Distribution Unit in one file per platform. This directory is updated twice a year. Data are distributed in two datasets, one with original time sampling and the other with hourly data and rounded timestamps. The information distributed includes wave parameters and wave spectral information. The latest version of Copernicus delayed-mode wave product is distributed from Copernicus Marine catalogue. Additional credits: The American wave data are collected from US NDBC (National Data Buoy Center). The Australian wave data are collected from Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS); IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS); It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent. The Canadian data are collected from Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

  • Satellite altimetry missions provide a quasi-global synoptic view of sea level over more than 25 years. The satellite altimetry constellation is used to build sea level maps and regional sea level indicators such as trends and accelerations. Estimating realistic uncertainties on these quantities is crucial to address some current climate science questions such as climate change detection and attribution or regional sea level budget closure for example. Previous studies have estimated the uncertainty for the global mean sea level (GMSL), but no uncertainty information is available at regional scales. In this study we estimate a regional satellite altimetry error budget and use it to derive maps of confidence intervals for local sea rise rates and accelerations. We analyze 27 years of satellite altimetry maps and derive the satellite altimetry error variance-covariance matrix at each grid point, prior to the estimation of confidence intervals on local trends and accelerations at the 90% confidence level using extended least squares estimators. Over 1993–2019, we find that the average local sea level trend uncertainty is 0.83 mm.yr-1 with local values ranging from 0.78 to 1.22 mm.yr-1. For accelerations, uncertainties range from 0.057 to 0.12 mm.yr-2, with a mean value of 0.063 mm.yr-2.   Change history: - 2020/07/08: initial dataset submission over 1993-2018 - 2020/10/21: 1993-2019 update and addition of error levels

  • The observations of campe glider on imedia deployment (Mediterranean Sea - Western basin) are distributed in 4 files: - EGO NetCDF time-series (data, metadata, derived sea water current) - NetCDF profiles extracted from the above time-series - Raw data - JSON metadata used by the decoder The following parameters are provided : - Practical salinity - Sea temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale - Electrical conductivity - Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level

  • The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents. The data are collected from the Surface Drifter Data Assembly Centre (SD-DAC at NOAA AOML). All surface drifters data have been processed to check for drogue loss. Drogued and undrogued drifting buoy surface ocean currents are provided with a drogue presence flag as well as a wind slippage correction for undrogued buoys. Altimeter and wind data have been used to extract the direct wind slippage from the total drifting buoy velocities. This product is designed to be assimilated into or for validation purposes of operational models operated by ocean forecasting centers for reanalysis purposes or for research community. These users need data aggregated and quality controlled in a reliable and documented manner.

  • The Southern Ocean plays a fundamental role in regulating the global climate. This ocean also contains a rich and highly productive ecosystem, potentially vulnerable to climate change. Very large national and international efforts are directed towards the modeling of physical oceanographic processes to predict the response of the Southern Ocean to global climate change and the role played by the large-scale ocean climate processes. However, these modeling efforts are greatly limited by the lack of in situ measurements, especially at high latitudes and during winter months. The standard data that are needed to study ocean circulation are vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, from which we can deduce the density of seawater. These are collected with CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) sensors that are usually deployed on research vessels or, more recently, on autonomous Argo profilers. The use of conventional research vessels to collect these data is very expensive, and does not guarantee access to areas where sea ice is found at the surface of the ocean during the winter months. A recent alternative is the use of autonomous Argo floats. However, this technology is not easy to use in glaciated areas. In this context, the collection of hydrographic profiles from CTDs mounted on marine mammals is very advantageous. The choice of species, gender or age can be done to selectively obtain data in particularly under-sampled areas such as under the sea ice or on continental shelves. Among marine mammals, elephant seals are particularly interesting. Indeed, they have the particularity to continuously dive to great depths (590 ± 200 m, with maxima around 2000 m) for long durations (average length of a dive 25 ± 15 min, maximum 80 min). A Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Satellite Relay Data Logger (CTD-SRDLs) has been developed in the early 2000s to sample temperature and salinity vertical profiles during marine mammal dives (Boehme et al. 2009, Fedak 2013). The CTD-SRDL is attached to the seal on land, then it records hydrographic profiles during its foraging trips, sending the data by satellite ARGOS whenever the seal goes back to the surface.While the principle intent of seal instrumentation was to improve understanding of seal foraging strategies (Biuw et al., 2007), it has also provided as a by-product a viable and cost-effective method of sampling hydrographic properties in many regions of the Southern Ocean (Charrassin et al., 2008; Roquet et al., 2013).

  • This delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents and current vertical profiles. It concerns three delayed time datasets dedicated to near-surface currents measurements coming from three platforms (Lagrangian surface drifters, High Frequency radars and Argo floats) and velocity profiles within the water column coming from the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP, vessel mounted only). The latest version of Copernicus surface and sub-surface water velocity product is also distributed from Copernicus Marine catalogue.

  • This dataset contains OAC-P results from application to Argo data in the World Ocean : - the 2000-2015 climatology of OAC-P results mapped onto a 0.5x0.5 grid with mapping error estimates; - the 2000-2015 probability density function of the permanent pycnocline potential density referenced to the sea surface vs Brunt-Väisälä frequency squared.OAC-P is an "Objective Algorithm for the Characterization of the permanent Pycnocline" developed to characterize subtropical gyre stratification features with both observed and modeled potential density profiles. OAC-P estimates the following properties: - for the permanent pycnocline: depth, upper and lower thicknesses, Brunt-Väisälä frequency squared, potential density, temperature and salinity; - for the surface mode water overlying the permanent pycnocline: depth, Brunt-Väisälä frequency squared, potential density, temperature and salinity. Argo data were download from Coriolis Argo GDAC on February, 8th 2016. Only Argo data with QC=1, 2, 5 or 8 were used.