/Physical Environment/Geology
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Geomorphologic map at 1 : 500 000 of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 4 (sea-floor geology / geomorphology) of the European project EMODnet Geology. This version of the dataset corresponds to the phase IV of the project.
Physiographic domains map at 1 : 500 000 of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 4 (sea-floor geology / geomorphology) of the European project EMODnet Geology. This version of the dataset corresponds to the phase IV of the project.
Sediment substrate maps at different scales, of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 3 the European project EMODNet Geology (phase IV). Available scales : - 1 : 1 000 000 - 1 : 250 000 - 1 : 100 000 - 1 : 50 000 - 1 : 20 000 - 1 : 15 000 - 1 : 10 000 - 1 : 5 000 Bibliographic references : - Coltman, N., Gilliland, P. & van Heteren, S. 2007. What can I do with my map? In: MESH Guide to Habitat Mapping, MESH Project, 2007, JNCC, Peterborough. Available online at: (http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1900) - Foster-Smith, R., Connor, D. & Davies, J. 2007. What is habitat mapping? In: MESH Guide to Habitat Mapping, MESH Project, 2007, JNCC, Peterborough. Available online at: (http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1900) - Väänänen, T. (ed), Hyvönen, E., Jakonen, M., Kupila, J., Lerrsi, J., Leskinen, J., Liwata, P., Nevalainen, R., Putkinen, S., Virkki, H. 2007. Maaperän yleiskartan tulkinta- ja kartoitusprosessi. Maaperän yleiskartoitus –hankkeen sisäinen raportti. 17 p.
Aggregates map at 1 : 100 000 of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 5 (coastline behavior) of the European project EMODnet Geology. This version of the dataset corresponds to the phase III of the project.
Landslides and gravitational features mapped within French metropolitan EEZ at 1 : 250 000 in the framework of work-package 6 (Geological Events and Probabilities) of the european project EMODNet Geology. These datasets were delivered during the phase 2 of the project.
Map of the sedimentation rates within the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 3 (seabed substrate) of the European project EMODnet Geology. This version of the dataset corresponds to the phase III of the project.
Aggregates map at 1 : 250 000 of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 7 (marine minerals) of the European project EMODnet Geology. This version of the dataset corresponds to the phase IV of the project.
Geomorphological analysis of the continental slope of the Bay of Biscay based on a 100m Data Terrain Model (DTM). This DTM is a synthesis of data acquired during sea surveys ZEE 1, ZEE 2, Sedimanche, Sedifan 1, Sedifan 2, EssNaut 2009, EssReson08, ValidOp, BOBGeo 1, BOBGeo 2, EssInf.
Geomorphological analysis of the continental slope of the Mediterranean sea, based on a 100 m Data Terrain Model (DTM). This DTM is a synthesis of data acquired during several surveys. Bibliographic references :
Map of surficial sediments of the northern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay at 1:500000 by Philippe BOUYSSE, Patrick LESUEUR, André KLINGEBIEL et al., 1986, conducted jointly by the BRGM and Ifremer.