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Routine operation over a period shorter than 5 years (Enhanced Observation Period, EOP)
Routine operation over a period shorter than 5 years (Enhanced Observation Period, EOP)
The gridded Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data set covers the region between 95°W – 20°E and 50°N – 30°S in the Atlantic Ocean. It is based on available data collected from 1970 to 2016 mostly from Voluntary Observing Ships, PIRATA moorings and Argo profilers, and subsequently validated. This monthly SSS product is gridded using an objective mapping at the spatial resolution 1° x 1°. It is distributed with its associated error fields. It is an update of the SSS product presented in Reverdin et al (2007).
The annually binned Sea Surface Salinity, Temperature and Density data set covers a large part of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. It is based on T and S near-surface data collected since December 1895 to August 2018 from all data sources, including Voluntary Observing Ships subsequently validated. This annual product presents deviations from a climatological seasonal cycle and has furthermore been smoothed in time with a 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 running-mean filter. Density time series are estimated from those annual time series, considering winter (D-J-F) climatology. Uncertainty estimates due to sampling are also provided. Data for December 2017-August 2018 are also reported as 2018, but are temporary and should not be used without further check. Long gaps have been filled by linear interpolation, and are attributed largest error.
The annually binned Sea Surface Salinity data set covers a large part of the Atlantic Ocean (75°W-10°E, 20°S-70°N). It is based on salinity near-surface data collected since December 1895 to 2016 from all data sources, including Voluntary Observing Ships subsequently validated. This annual product presents Atlantic SSS 32 grid box anomaly and error time-series (for boxes 1 to 26, year 2016 not smoothed 1-2-1), as well as Atlantic SSS grid box coordinates and March-May mean climatology. The SSS binned time series are an update from the 1896-2013 time series (Friedman et al., 2017).