Level 2
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Monomission Sentinel-3A altimetry product, LR-RMC mode (Low-Resolution with Range Migration Correction) with along-track level-2 estimations at 20Hz rate in LR-RMC mode. LR-RMC associated waveforms are also included, as well with the geophysical corrections applied to the altimeter range (SGDR files).
Monomission altimeter product: OSTM/Jason-2. These products were produced by CLS in the framework of the Pistach project, funded by Cnes.
Along-track altimetric measurements averaged over 1 second, geophysical and environmental corrections to apply. Available missions are: Topex/Poseidon, Envisat, Jason-1, Jason2, Jason-3, Saral and SWOT.
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database) completed by European data provided by EUROGOOS regional systems and national system by the regional INS TAC components. It is updated on a yearly basis. This version is a merged product between the previous verion of CORA and EN4 distributed by the Met Office for the period 1950-1990. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/46219
Wave products from french SWIM instrument (height, direction, wavelength) and wind products from chinese SCAT scatterometer (wind speed and direction) on CFOSAT mission. Some meteorological variables sampled at the location of SWIM acquisitions are also distributed in dedicated files.
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' These products integrate wave observations aggregated and validated from the Regional EuroGOOS consortium (Arctic-ROOS, BOOS, NOOS, IBI-ROOS, MONGOOS) and Black Sea GOOS as well as from National Data Centers (NODCs) and JCOMM global systems (OceanSITES, DBCP) and the Global telecommunication system (GTS) used by the Met Offices. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/70345
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database) completed by European data provided by EUROGOOS regional systems and national system by the regional INS TAC components. It is updated on a yearly basis. This version is a merged product between the previous verion of CORA and EN4 distributed by the Met Office for the period 1950-1990. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/46219
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation delivered in delayed mode. This In Situ delayed mode product integrates the best available version of in situ oxygen, chlorophyll / fluorescence and nutrients data. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/86207
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation delivered in delayed mode. This In Situ delayed mode product integrates the best available version of in situ oxygen, chlorophyll / fluorescence and nutrients data '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/86207
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description :''' Global Ocean - This delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents and current vertical profiles. It concerns three delayed time datasets dedicated to near-surface currents measurements coming from two platforms (Lagrangian surface drifters and High Frequency radars) and velocity profiles within the water column coming from the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP, vessel mounted only) platform '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.17882/86236