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For the Global Ocean - Monomission altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean. Previously distributed by Aviso+, no change in the scientific content. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission which is currently Jason-3. The acquisition of various altimeter data is a few days at most. The sla is computed with a non-centered computation time window (6 weeks before the date).
Multimission altimeter products "Experimental" with a finer resolution in preparation to the SWOT Era with sea surface heights computed with respect to a twenty-year mean and Geostrophic velocities, resulting from specific processes, available in delayed time. Use: regional studies, ocean variability (mesoscale circulation,...),
Along-track significant wave height (SWH) and wind speed modulus for the following missions : CFOSAT (nadir), Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Jason-3, Saral-AltiKa, Cryosat-2 and HY-2B in Near-Real Time (NRT) for a global coverage (-66°S/66+N for Jason-3, -80°S/80°N for Sentinel-3A and Saral/AltiKa). SWH measurements are computed from the leading edge of the altimeter waveform. For Sentinel-3A and 3B, they are deduced from the SAR altimeter. One file containing valid SWH is produced for each mission and for a 3-hour time window. It contains the filtered SWH (VAVH), the unfiltered SWH (VAVH_UNFILTERED) and the wind speed (wind_speed).
Daily gridded Sargassum area coverage derived from MODIS Terra and Aqua observations over the Atlantic, produced with the AFAI (Alternative Floating Algae Index)-based SAREDA (SArgassum Evolving Distribution in the Atlantic) algorithm.
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' Arctic sea ice thickness from merged SMOS and Cryosat-2 (CS2) observations during freezing season between October and April. The SMOS mission provides L-band observations and the ice thickness-dependency of brightness temperature enables to estimate the sea-ice thickness for thin ice regimes. On the other hand, CS2 uses radar altimetry to measure the height of the ice surface above the water level, which can be converted into sea ice thickness assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00125
'''Short description:''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', Brockmann Consult (BC) is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the ESA-CCI inputs. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP, OLCI-S3A & OLCI-S3B for the '''""multi""''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily''', '''monthly'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' (multi). * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find these products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""ESA-CCI""'''. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00282
'''Short description:''' The Reprocessed (REP) Mediterranean (MED) dataset provides a stable and consistent long-term Sea Surface Temperature (SST) time series over the Mediterranean Sea (and the adjacent North Atlantic box) developed for climate applications. This product consists of daily (nighttime), merged multi-sensor (L3S), satellite-based estimates of the foundation SST (namely, the temperature free, or nearly-free, of any diurnal cycle) at 0.05° resolution grid covering the period from 1st January 1981 to present (approximately one month before real time). The MED-REP-L3S product is built from a consistent reprocessing of the collated level-3 (merged single-sensor, L3C) climate data record (CDR) v.3.0, provided by the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) and covering the period up to 2021, and its interim extension (ICDR) that allows the regular temporal extension for 2022 onwards. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00314
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' Global Ocean- in-situ reprocessed Carbon observations. This product contains observations and gridded files from two up-to-date carbon and biogeochemistry community data products: Surface Ocean Carbon ATlas SOCATv2021 and GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project GLODAPv2.2021. The SOCATv2022-OBS dataset contains >25 million observations of fugacity of CO2 of the surface global ocean from 1957 to early 2022. The quality control procedures are described in Bakker et al. (2016). These observations form the basis of the gridded products included in SOCATv2020-GRIDDED: monthly, yearly and decadal averages of fCO2 over a 1x1 degree grid over the global ocean, and a 0.25x0.25 degree, monthly average for the coastal ocean. GLODAPv2.2022-OBS contains >1 million observations from individual seawater samples of temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH from 1972 to 2020. These data were subjected to an extensive quality control and bias correction described in Olsen et al. (2020). GLODAPv2-GRIDDED contains global climatologies for temperature, salinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH over a 1x1 degree horizontal grid and 33 standard depths using the observations from the previous iteration of GLODAP, GLODAPv2. SOCAT and GLODAP are based on community, largely volunteer efforts, and the data providers will appreciate that those who use the data cite the corresponding articles (see References below) in order to support future sustainability of the data products. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00035
'''Short description:''' The High-Resolution Ocean Colour (HR-OC) Consortium (Brockmann Consult, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Flemish Institute for Technological Research) distributes Remote Sensing Reflectances (RRS, expressed in sr-1), Turbidity (TUR, expressed in FNU), Solid Particulate Matter Concentration (SPM, expressed in mg/l), spectral particulate backscattering (BBP, expressed in m-1) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL, expressed in µg/l) for the Sentinel 2/MSI sensor at 100m resolution for a 20km coastal zone. The products are delivered on a geographic lat-lon grid (EPSG:4326). To limit file size the products are provided in tiles of 600x800 km². RRS and BBP are delivered at nominal central bands of 443, 492, 560, 665, 704, 740, 783, 865 nm. The primary variable from which it is virtually possible to derive all the geophysical and transparency products is the spectral RRS. This, together with the spectral BBP, constitute the category of the 'optics' products. The spectral BBP product is generated from the RRS products using a quasi-analytical algorithm (Lee et al. 2002). The 'transparency' products include TUR and SPM). They are retrieved through the application of automated switching algorithms to the RRS spectra adapted to varying water conditions (Novoa et al. 2017). The GEOPHYSICAL product consists of the Chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL) retrieved via a multi-algorithm approach with optimized quality flagging (O'Reilly et al. 2019, Gons et al. 2005, Lavigne et al. 2021). The NRT products are generally provided withing 24 hours up to 3 days after end of the day.The RRS product is accompanied by a relative uncertainty estimate (unitless) derived by direct comparison of the products to corresponding fiducial reference measurements provided through the AERONET-OC network. The current day data temporal consistency is evaluated as Quality Index (QI) for TUR, SPM and CHL: QI=(CurrentDataPixel-ClimatologyDataPixel)/STDDataPixel where QI is the difference between current data and the relevant climatological field as a signed multiple of climatological standard deviations (STDDataPixel). '''Processing information:''' The HR-OC processing system is deployed on Creodias where Sentinel 2/MSI L1C data are available. The production control element is being hosted within the infrastructure of Brockmann Consult. The processing chain consists of: * Resampling to 60m and mosaic generation of the set of Sentinel-2 MSI L1C granules of a single overpass that cover a single UTM zone. * Application of a glint correction taking into account the detector viewing angles * Application of a coastal mask with 20km water + 20km land. The result is a L1C mosaic tile with data just in the coastal area optimized for compression. * Level 2 processing with pixel identification (IdePix), atmospheric correction (C2RCC and ACOLITE or iCOR), in-water processing and merging (HR-OC L2W processor). The result is a 60m product with the same extent as the L1C mosaic, with variables for optics, transparency, and geophysics, and with data filled in the water part of the coastal area. * invalid pixel identification takes into account corrupted (L1) pixels, clouds, cloud shadow, glint, dry-fallen intertidal flats, coastal mixed-pixels, sea ice, melting ice, floating vegetation, non-water objects, and bottom reflection. * Daily L3 aggregation merges all Level 2 mosaics of a day intersecting with a target tile. All valid water pixels are included in the 20km coastal stripes; all other values are set to NaN. There may be more than a single overpass a day, in particular in the northern regions. The main contribution usually is the mosaic of the zone, but also adjacent mosaics may overlap. This step comprises resampling to the 100m target grid. * Monthly L4 aggregation combines all Level 3 products of a month and a single tile. The output is a set of 3 NetCDF datasets for optics, transparency, and geophysics respectively, for the tile and month. * Gap filling combines all daily products of a period and generates (partially) gap-filled daily products again. The output of gap filling are 3 datasets for optics (BBP443 only), transparency, and geophysics per day. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal and in CMEMS-BGP_HR-QUID-009-201to212. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names: ''' *cmems_obs_oc_ibi_bgc_geophy_nrt_l3-hr_P1D-v01 *cmems_obs_oc_ibi_bgc_transp_nrt_l3-hr_P1D-v01 *cmems_obs_oc_ibi_bgc_optics_nrt_l3-hr_P1D-v01 '''Files format:''' *netCDF-4, CF-1.7 *INSPIRE compliant. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00109
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean with a 1Hz (~7km) sampling. It serves in near-real time applications. This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. It processes data from all altimeter missions available (e.g. Sentinel-6A, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Saral/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HY-2B). The system exploits the most recent datasets available based on the enhanced OGDR/NRT+IGDR/STC production. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission. Part of the processing is fitted to the European Sea area. (see QUID document or http://duacs.cls.fr [http://duacs.cls.fr] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (e.g. Mean Dynamic Topography, Dynamic Atmospheric Correction, Ocean Tides, Long Wavelength Errors) that can be used to change the physical content for specific needs (see PUM document for details) “’Associated products”’ A time invariant product http://marine.copernicus.eu/services-portfolio/access-to-products/?option=com_csw&view=details&product_id=SEALEVEL_GLO_NOISE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_008_032 [http://marine.copernicus.eu/services-portfolio/access-to-products/?option=com_csw&view=details&product_id=SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_NOISE_L4_STATIC_008_033] describing the noise level of along-track measurements is available. It is associated to the sla_filtered variable. It is a gridded product. One file is provided for the global ocean and those values must be applied for Arctic and Europe products. For Mediterranean and Black seas, one value is given in the QUID document. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00140