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'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean, the L4 multi-sensor daily satellite product is a 2km horizontal resolution subskin sea surface temperature analysis. This SST analysis is run by Meteo France CMS and is built using the European Ocean L3S products originating from bias-corrected European Ocean L3C mono-sensor products at 0.02 degrees resolution. This analysis uses the analysis of the previous day at the same time as first guess field. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description:''' For the Baltic Sea- The DMI Sea Surface Temperature reprocessed analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.02deg. x 0.02deg. horizontal resolution, using satellite data from infra-red radiometers. The product uses SST satellite products from the ESA CCI and Copernicus C3S projects, including the sensors: NOAA AVHRRs 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 , 19, Metop, ATSR1, ATSR2, AATSR and SLSTR. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean with a 1Hz (~7km) sampling. It serves in near-real time applications. This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. It processes data from all altimeter missions available (e.g. Sentinel-6A, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Saral/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HY-2B). The system exploits the most recent datasets available based on the enhanced OGDR/NRT+IGDR/STC production. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission. Part of the processing is fitted to the European Sea area. (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (e.g. Mean Dynamic Topography, Dynamic Atmospheric Correction, Ocean Tides, Long Wavelength Errors) that can be used to change the physical content for specific needs (see PUM document for details) “’Associated products”’ A time invariant product [] describing the noise level of along-track measurements is available. It is associated to the sla_filtered variable. It is a gridded product. One file is provided for the global ocean and those values must be applied for Arctic and Europe products. For Mediterranean and Black seas, one value is given in the QUID document. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Experimental altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean with a 5Hz (~1.3km) sampling. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (e.g. Mean Dynamic Topography, Dynamic Atmosphic Correction, Ocean Tides, Long Wavelength Errors, Internal tide, …) that can be used to change the physical content for specific needs This product was generated as experimental products in a CNES R&D context. It was processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean- The L3 multi-sensor (supercollated) product is built from bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) products at the resolution 0.02 degrees. If the native collated resolution is N and N < 0.02 the change (degradation) of resolution is done by averaging the best quality data. If N > 0.02 the collated data are associated to the nearest neighbour without interpolation nor artificial increase of the resolution. A synthesis of the bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) files remapped at resolution R is done through a selection of data based on the following hierarchy: AVHRR_METOP_B, VIIRS_NPP, SLSTRA, SEVIRI, AVHRRL-19, MODIS_A, MODIS_T, AMSR2. This hierarchy can be changed in time depending on the health of each sensor. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''DEFINITION''' The BALTIC_OMI_TEMPSAL_sst_area_averaged_anomalies product includes time series of monthly mean SST anomalies over the period 1993-2021, relative to the 1993-2014 climatology, averaged for the Baltic Sea. The OMI time series runs from Jan 1, 1993 to December 31, 2021 and is constructed by calculating monthly averages from the daily level 4 SST analysis fields of the SST_BAL_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_016 product from 1993 to 2021. See the Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Reports (section 1.1 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2016; section 3 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2018) for more information on the OMI product. '''CONTEXT''' Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is an Essential Climate Variable (GCOS), that is an important input for initialis-ing numerical weather prediction models and fundamental for understanding air-sea interactions and moni-toring climate change (GCOS 2010). The Baltic Sea is a region that requires special attention regarding the use of satellite SST records and the assessment of climatic variability (Høyer and She 2007; Høyer and Karagali 2016). The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed basin affected bynatural variability, influenced by large-scale atmos-pheric processes and by the vicinity of land. In addition, the Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish seas in the world. When analysing regional-scale climate variability, all these effects have to be considered, which re-quires dedicated regional and validated SST products. Satellite observations have previously been used to ana-lyse the climatic SST signals in the North Sea and Baltic Sea (BACC II Author Team 2015; Lehmann et al. 2011). Recently, Høyer and Karagali (2016) demonstrated that the Baltic Sea had warmed 1-2 oC from 1982 to 2012 considering all months of the year and 3-5 oC when only July-September months were considered. This was corroborated in the Ocean State Reports (section 1.1 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2016 and section 3 in Von Schuckmann et al., 2018). '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' The basin-average trend of SST anomalies for Baltic Sea region amounts to 0.049±0.006 °C/year over the pe-riod 1993-2021 which corresponds to an average warming of 1.42°C. Adding the North Sea area, the average trend amounts to 0.03±0.003 °C/year over the same period, which corresponds to an average warming of 0.87°C for the entire region since 1993. '''DOI (product):'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome operationally produces surface chlorophyll of the European region by merging the daily chlorophyll regional products over the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Single chlorophyll daily images are the Case I – Case II products, which are produced accounting for bio-optical differences in these two water types. The mosaic is built using the following datasets: • dataset-oc-atl-chl-multi_cci-l3-chl_1km_daily-rt-v01 for the North Atlantic Ocean • dataset-oc-bal-chl-modis_a-l3-nn_1km_daily-rt-v01 for the Baltic Sea • dataset-oc-bs-chl-multi-l3-chl_1km_daily-rt-v02 for the Black Sea • dataset-oc-med-chl-multi-l3-chl_1km_daily-rt-v02 for the Mediterranean Sea. '''Processing information:''' All details about the processing can be found in relevant product description: *OCEANCOLOUR_ATL_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_036 *OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_049 *OCEANCOLOUR_BS_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_044 *OCEANCOLOUR_MED_CHL_L3_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_009_040 '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names:''' *dataset-oc-eur-chl-multi-l3-chl_1km_daily-rt-v02 '''DOI (product) :'''
'''DEFINITION''' We have derived an annual eutrophication and eutrophication indicator map for the North Atlantic Ocean using satellite-derived chlorophyll concentration. Using the satellite-derived chlorophyll products distributed in the regional North Atlantic CMEMS MY Ocean Colour dataset (OC- CCI), we derived P90 and P10 daily climatologies. The time period selected for the climatology was 1998-2017. For a given pixel, P90 and P10 were defined as dynamic thresholds such as 90% of the 1998-2017 chlorophyll values for that pixel were below the P90 value, and 10% of the chlorophyll values were below the P10 value. To minimise the effect of gaps in the data in the computation of these P90 and P10 climatological values, we imposed a threshold of 25% valid data for the daily climatology. For the 20-year 1998-2017 climatology this means that, for a given pixel and day of the year, at least 5 years must contain valid data for the resulting climatological value to be considered significant. Pixels where the minimum data requirements were met were not considered in further calculations. We compared every valid daily observation over 2021 with the corresponding daily climatology on a pixel-by-pixel basis, to determine if values were above the P90 threshold, below the P10 threshold or within the [P10, P90] range. Values above the P90 threshold or below the P10 were flagged as anomalous. The number of anomalous and total valid observations were stored during this process. We then calculated the percentage of valid anomalous observations (above/below the P90/P10 thresholds) for each pixel, to create percentile anomaly maps in terms of % days per year. Finally, we derived an annual indicator map for eutrophication levels: if 25% of the valid observations for a given pixel and year were above the P90 threshold, the pixel was flagged as eutrophic. Similarly, if 25% of the observations for a given pixel were below the P10 threshold, the pixel was flagged as oligotrophic. '''CONTEXT''' Eutrophication is the process by which an excess of nutrients – mainly phosphorus and nitrogen – in a water body leads to increased growth of plant material in an aquatic body. Anthropogenic activities, such as farming, agriculture, aquaculture and industry, are the main source of nutrient input in problem areas (Jickells, 1998; Schindler, 2006; Galloway et al., 2008). Eutrophication is an issue particularly in coastal regions and areas with restricted water flow, such as lakes and rivers (Howarth and Marino, 2006; Smith, 2003). The impact of eutrophication on aquatic ecosystems is well known: nutrient availability boosts plant growth – particularly algal blooms – resulting in a decrease in water quality (Anderson et al., 2002; Howarth et al.; 2000). This can, in turn, cause death by hypoxia of aquatic organisms (Breitburg et al., 2018), ultimately driving changes in community composition (Van Meerssche et al., 2019). Eutrophication has also been linked to changes in the pH (Cai et al., 2011, Wallace et al. 2014) and depletion of inorganic carbon in the aquatic environment (Balmer and Downing, 2011). Oligotrophication is the opposite of eutrophication, where reduction in some limiting resource leads to a decrease in photosynthesis by aquatic plants, reducing the capacity of the ecosystem to sustain the higher organisms in it. Eutrophication is one of the more long-lasting water quality problems in Europe (OSPAR ICG-EUT, 2017), and is on the forefront of most European Directives on water-protection. Efforts to reduce anthropogenically-induced pollution resulted in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in 2000. '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' The coastal and shelf waters, especially between 30 and 400N that showed active oligotrophication flags for 2020 have reduced in 2021 and a reversal to eutrophic flags can be seen in places. Again, the eutrophication index is positive only for a small number of coastal locations just north of 40oN in 2021, however south of 40oN there has been a significant increase in eutrophic flags, particularly around the Azores. In general, the 2021 indicator map showed an increase in oligotrophic areas in the Northern Atlantic and an increase in eutrophic areas in the Southern Atlantic. The Third Integrated Report on the Eutrophication Status of the OSPAR Maritime Area (OSPAR ICG-EUT, 2017) reported an improvement from 2008 to 2017 in eutrophication status across offshore and outer coastal waters of the Greater North Sea, with a decrease in the size of coastal problem areas in Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Norway and the United Kingdom. '''DOI (product):'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''DEFINITION''' The ocean monitoring indicator of regional mean sea level is derived from the DUACS delayed-time (DT-2021 version) altimeter gridded maps of sea level anomalies based on a stable number of altimeters (two) in the satellite constellation. These products are distributed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the Copernicus Marine Service (SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_CLIMATE_L4_MY_008_057). The mean sea level evolution estimated in the Mediterranean Sea is derived from the average of the gridded sea level maps weighted by the cosine of the latitude. The annual and semi-annual periodic signals are removed (least square fit of sinusoidal function) and the time series is low-pass filtered (175 days cut-off). The curve is corrected for the regional mean effect of the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) using the ICE5G-VM2 GIA model (Peltier, 2004). During 1993-1998, the Global men sea level (hereafter GMSL) has been known to be affected by a TOPEX-A instrumental drift (WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group, 2018; Legeais et al., 2020). This drift led to overestimate the trend of the GMSL during the first 6 years of the altimetry record (about 0.04 mm/y at global scale over the whole altimeter period). A correction of the drift is proposed for the Global mean sea level (Legeais et al., 2020). Whereas this TOPEX-A instrumental drift should also affect the regional mean sea level (hereafter RMSL) trend estimation, this empirical correction is currently not applied to the altimeter sea level dataset and resulting estimated for RMSL. Indeed, the pertinence of the global correction applied at regional scale has not been demonstrated yet and there is no clear consensus achieved on the way to proceed at regional scale. Additionally, the estimate of such a correction at regional scale is not obvious, especially in areas where few accurate independent measurements (e.g. in situ)- necessary for this estimation - are available. The trend uncertainty is provided in a 90% confidence interval (Prandi et al., 2021). This estimate only considers errors related to the altimeter observation system (i.e., orbit determination errors, geophysical correction errors and inter-mission bias correction errors). The presence of the interannual signal can strongly influence the trend estimation considering to the altimeter period considered (Wang et al., 2021; Cazenave et al., 2014). The uncertainty linked to this effect is not taken into account. '''CONTEXT''' The indicator on area averaged sea level is a crucial index of climate change, and individual components contribute to sea level rise, including expansion due to ocean warming and melting of glaciers and ice sheets (WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group, 2018). According to the recent IPCC 6th assessment report, global mean sea level (GMSL) increased by 0.20 (0.15 to 0.25) m over the period 1901 to 2018 with a rate 25 of rise that has accelerated since the 1960s to 3.7 (3.2 to 4.2) mm yr-1 for the period 2006–2018. Human activity was very likely the main driver of observed GMSL rise since 1970 (IPCC WGII, 2021). The weight of the different contributions evolves with time and in the recent decades the mass change has increased, contributing to the on-going acceleration of the GMSL trend (IPCC, 2022a; Legeais et al., 2020; Horwath et al., 2022). At regional scale, sea level does not change homogenously, and RMSL rise can also be influenced by various other processes, with different spatial and temporal scales, such as local ocean dynamic, atmospheric forcing, Earth gravity and vertical land motion changes (IPCC WGI, 2021). Rising sea level can strongly affect population and infrastructures in coastal areas, increase their vulnerability and risks for food security, particularly in low lying areas and island states. Adverse impacts from floods, storms and tropical cyclones with related losses and damages have increased due to sea level rise, and increase their vulnerability and increase risks for food security, particularly in low lying areas and island states (IPCC, 2022b). Adaptation and mitigation measures such as the restoration of mangroves and coastal wetlands, reduce the risks from sea level rise (IPCC, 2022c). Beside a clear long-term trend, the regional mean sea level variation in the Mediterranean Sea shows an important interannual variability, with a high trend observed before 1999 and lower values afterward. This variability is associated with a variation of the different forcing. Steric effect has been the most important forcing before 1999 (Fenoglio-Marc, 2002; Vigo et al., 2005). Important change of the deep-water formation site also occurred in 1995. The latest is preconditioned by an important change of the sea surface circulation observed in the Ionian Sea in 1997-1998 (e.g. Gačić et al., 2011), under the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and negative Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) phases (Incarbona et al., 2016). They may also impact the sea level trend in the basin (Vigo et al., 2005). In 2010-2011, high regional mean sea level has been related to enhanced water mass exchange at Gibraltar, under the influence of wind forcing during the negative phase of NAO (Landerer and Volkov, 2013). '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' Over the [1993/01/01, 2021/08/02] period, the basin-wide RMSL in the Mediterranean Sea rises at a rate of 2.7 0.83 mm/year. '''DOI (product):'''
'''Short description:''' For the Baltic Sea- The DMI Sea Surface Temperature L3S aims at providing daily multi-sensor supercollated data at 0.03deg. x 0.03deg. horizontal resolution, using satellite data from infra-red radiometers. Uses SST satellite products from these sensors: NOAA AVHRRs 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18 , Envisat ATSR1, ATSR2 and AATSR. '''DOI (product) :'''