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Shom is the national referent for the level of the sea in situ on all areas under French jurisdiction. In this capacity, he assures under the acronym REFMAR different coordination functions in the collection and dissemination of public data related to water level observations, in order to promote their use in multiple applications within the framework of international recommendations.
Shom manages a network of permanent digital coastal tide-gauges on French coasts: the RONIM Sea Level Observation Network. Most tide-gauge observatories are partnered with one or more local partners.<br /><br /> Four main types of data are available for download:<br /> - “Raw high frequency" data: raw observations neither validated nor evaluated, obtained directly from the sensor. 1-minute measurement; integration time 15 seconds (on the minute); sampling period: 1 second.<br /><br /> - "Raw non-real time" data: raw observations neither validated nor evaluated, obtained directly from the sensor. 10-minute measurement; integration time 121 seconds (around every 10 minutes); sampling period: 1 second.<br /><br /> - "Validated non-real time" data: observations checked and validated by Shom from the "Raw non-real time" data. 10-minute measurement; integration time 121 seconds (around every 10 minutes); sampling period: 1 second.<br /><br /> - "Validated hourly" data: observations checked and validated by Shom, generated from "Validated non-real time" data. Hourly measurement obtained from the Vondrak filter with triangular weighting. The hourly height cannot be calculated in the event of an observation gap greater than 1.5 hours.
Suivi de la mégafaune des herbiers à grande zostère (Zostera marina).
The present dataset is based on a nine site study of fine seabed topography in intertidal zones. Four coral sites (Maupiti A, B and C and Niau islands) and five rocky sites (Ars en Ré, Socoa, Parlementia A and B and Banneg island) have been explored. The data has been gathered using on-foot GNSS RTK for all sites (Trimble R8/R8S and Leica sytems) except Banneg island, where aerial Lidar data from Litto3D program has been used. The horizontal resolution varies between 3.8 and 12cm allowing to describe a wide range of spatial scales (generally over 3 spectral decades). The data has been processed to explore the statistical and spectral metrics which can be used to characterize the architectural complexity of seabeds. Owners: - Topographic survey on Ars-en-Ré : profile X, Z in meter along a transec was operated on 10-15 Jan 2021 with On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK by Shom, Gladys and Univ. de Montpellier - Topographic survey on Maupiti Hoe: profile X, Z in meter along a transec was operated on 5-10 July 2018 with on-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK by GLADYS and Université de Montpellier - Topographic survey on Niau : profile X, Z in meter along a transec operated on 10 Nov. 2021 with On-foot Trimble R8/R8S GNSS RTK - by CEREGE and MIO (OSU Pytheas) - Topographic survey on Parlementia A, and B : profile X, Z in meter along a transec was operated on 22 Fev 2023 with on-foot Leica GNSS RTK by SIAME, UPPA - Topographic survey on Socoa : profile X, Z in meter along a transec was operated on 21 Fev 2023 with on-foot Leica GNSS RTK by SIAME, UPPA and Shom - Topographic survey in high resolution of Banneg island (X, Y, Z) is made by aerial lidar litto3D on spring 2012/2013 by Shom and IGN
État initial (2001) et études d’impact (2003 à 2009) des peuplements benthiques et de la granulométrie dans le cadre de travaux de dragage et d’engraissement des plages du Pyla.
This data set presents the resulting assessment grid (based on the EEA reference grid) with the classification of chemical status of the transitional, coastal and marine waters in the context of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), providing a mapping of contamination 'problem areas' and 'non-problem areas' based on measurements of biological effects. This classification has been performed using the CHASE+ tool, with classifications of the of contaminant status of indicators of biological effects. The status is evaluated in five classes, where NPAhigh and NPAgood are recognised as ‘non-problem areas’ and PAmoderate, PApoor and PAbad are recognised as ‘problem areas’. Monitoring biological effects is restricted to a few indicators (e.g. imposex) and data coverage is currently limited. Biological effects have thus been addressed in only 134 assessment units, mostly in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the North-East Atlantic Ocean. This data set underpins the findings and cartographic representations published in the EEA report “Contaminants in Europe’s seas” (No 25/2018). See the mentioned report for further information.
This raster dataset represents the probability of occurrence of whales in the Europe Seas, where the species included are: Blue whale, Sei whale, Humpback whale, Sperm whale, Fin whale and Northern right whale. The northern right whale model only describes the range of the western population of this species, since the eastern population is probably almost extinct. Thus, the northern right whale model only partly overlaps with the EEA area on interest. This dataset is based on AquaMaps distribution maps (version 10/2019). The dataset has been prepared in the context of the development of the first European Maritime Transport Environmental Report (EMSA-EEA report, 2021: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/maritime-transport).
Évolution pluriannuelle de la macrofaune invertébrée benthique de l'estuaire de la Gironde. Suivi des communautés benthiques intertidales (3 sites) et subtidales (3 sites).
Comme tous les milieux côtiers soumis à des pressions anthropiques, le Bassin d'Arcachon subit des contaminations liées aux activités qui s'exercent dans la Baie ou sur son bassin versant. Les activités urbaines, agricoles, industrielles, domestiques et touristiques engendrent des apports de contaminants chimiques multiples et variés qui ont des conséquences sur l’environnement marin et sur l’homme. En particulier, les polluants métalliques peuvent se retrouver dans les eaux et les sédiments du Bassin d’Arcachon, impactant potentiellement les organismes aquatiques qui s’y trouvent. Les bivalves filtreurs notamment présentent de fortes capacités de bioaccumulation des éléments traces métalliques à l’origine de leur utilisation dans les réseaux de biosurveillance (Réseau National d’Observation, RNO). Cependant, très peu d’études jusqu’à présent se sont réellement intéressées à l’état de contamination des bivalves filtreurs dans le Bassin d’Arcachon, hormis les analyses réalisées sur les huîtres sauvages par le RNO. Concernant les bivalves fouisseurs, encore moins de données sont disponibles dans la littérature concernant le Bassin d’Arcachon. Pourtant, la coque, par son mode de vie enfoui dans les sédiments et en tant qu’organisme filtreur peut représenter une espèce particulièrement sensible à la présence de contaminants métalliques
Couche géographique ponctuelle de référence en Lambert 93, issue d'une extraction mensuelle d'Infoligne (Base patrimoniale interne), et représentative de tous les supports de chacune des lignes aériennes existantes, depuis son point d'origine jusqu’à son point terminal. Couche ponctuelles symbolisant l'emplacement des pylônes.