EMODnet Atlantic Checkpoint
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Phyto plankton Abundance: Identify the 3 most abundant phytoplankton species in the North Atlantic and calculate a timeseries of their abundance within the basin.
North Atlantic basin average at Pentadal (5-year) resolution time-series of the ocean heat storage (upper 700m) and kinetic energy. Use gridded information to calculate the local heat storage and average kinetic energy as a 5 year average and then calculate the basin average.
Pentadal (5-year average) resolution time-series of bottom temperature for North Atlantic ocean area deeper than 1000m. Calculate the 5 year average bottom temperature at each point on the grid and then calculate the area weighted average.
Temporal series (annual mean values) and Long Term Average (LTA) of sediment load for each river mouth where in situ data is available. Different sources can be mixed if any.
The challenge attempts to collect bycatch data for the North Atlantic sea basin (i.e. north of the equator, excluding Caribe, Baltic, North Sea and Artic) and to compute: mass and number of discards by species and year, including fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds. Data are presented in an Excel's spreadsheet.
We took inspiration from a “Matrix of marine activities” (appropriate for each IUCN management category) extracted from IUCN paper, to achieve the first objective by computing 1 product comprising the following 12 components: Product ATLANTIC_CH02_Product_1 / MPA Atlantic network classified in IUCN classification • Traditional fishing area • Sustainable fishing area (industrial) • Leisure fishing area • Leisure activity area (diving, surfing, tourist beaches) • Shipping area (shipping trajectory, aids navigation) • Scientific activity area • Renewable energy generation facility area (ocean energy facilities, wind farms) • Aquaculture area (finfish production, shellfish production) • Shipping infrastructure area (harbours, dredging area...) • Waste discharge area • Mining area (aggregate extraction, hydrocarbon extraction) • Habitation area (urban area) Each geographic information required for the components was compiled into a layer in grid format. These grids were intersected with the MPAs layer to assign each MPA a IUCN category according to the conditional matrix illustrated below : If the MPA area contains : Habitation area (urban area) The IUCN category is :V If the MPA area contains : Mining area (aggregate extraction, hydrocarbon extraction) The IUCN category is V If the MPA area contains : Waste discharge area The IUCN category is : V If the MPA area contains : Shipping infrastructure area (harbours, dredging area...) The IUCN category is IV If the MPA area contains : Aquaculture area (finfish production, shellfish production) The IUCN category is IV If the MPA area contains : Renewable energy generation facility area (ocean energy facilities, wind farms) The IUCN category is IV If the MPA area contains : Leisure fishing area The IUCN category is IV If the MPA area contains : Sustainable fishing area (industrial) The IUCN category is IV If the MPA area contains : Shipping area (shipping trajectory, aids navigation) The IUCN category is II If the MPA area contains : Leisure activity area (diving, surfing, tourist beaches) The IUCN category is Ib If the MPA area contains : Traditional fishing area The IUCN category is Ib If the MPA area contains : Scientific activity area The IUCN category is Ia
This product attempt to follow up on the sea level rise per stretch of coast of the North Atlantic, over 50 years as follows: • Characterization of absolute sea level trend at annual resolution, along the coasts of EU Member States (including Outermost Regions), Canada, Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Mexico, Morocco, Norway and USA; The stretchs or coast are defined by the administrative regions of the Atlantic Coast: • from NUTS3** administrative division for EU countries (see Eurostat), and • from GADM*** administrative divisions for non-EU countries. ** Third level of Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics *** Global Administrative Areas For relative sea level trend for 50 years we extract the information from coastal tide gauges data available at each stretch of coast, if there is not a tide gauge there is a data gap. The product is Provided in tabular form and as a map layer.
Identified areas across the north Atlantic which have been flagged as priority locations for quality bathymetry data, in the context of expanded shipping traffic and port expansions. The reference to determine the priority survey areas in combination with shiping routes and port locations are the bathymetric data sources used for product 2( GEBCO, EMODnet bathymetry, USGS and CHS) and the depth uncertainty derived of Product 2. The adequacy assessment of the input characteristics of Product 3 is limited to the shiping routes and port locations.
The challenge attempts to collect data on landings for the North Atlantic sea basin (i.e. north of the equator, excluding Caribe, Baltic, North Sea and Artic) and to compute: mass and number of discards by species and year. In addition, by-catch of fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds. Data are presented in an Excel spreadsheet.
Temporal series (annual mean values) and long term average (LTA) of temperature for each river mouth.