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  • The ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced global daily merged multi-sensor time-series of along-track satellite altimeter significant wave height data (referred to as Level 3 (L3) data) with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 3 Remote Sensing Significant Wave Height product, which provides along-track data at approximately 6 km spatial resolution. It has been generated from upstream Sea State CCI L2P products, edited and merged into daily products, retaining only valid and good quality measurements from all altimeters over one day, with simplified content (only a few key parameters). This is close to what is delivered in Near-Real Time by the CMEMS (Copernicus - Marine Environment Monitoring Service) project. It covers the date range from 2002-2021. The altimeter data used in the Sea State CCI dataset v3 come from multiple satellite missions (Envisat, CryoSat-2, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL, Sentinel-3A), therefore spanning over a shorter time range than version 1.1. Unlike version 1.1, this version 3 involved a complete and consistent retracking of all the included altimeters. Many altimeters are bi-frequency (Ku-C or Ku-S) and only measurements in Ku band were used, for consistency reasons, being available on each altimeter but SARAL (Ka band).

  • The ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced global multi-sensor time-series of along-track satellite altimeter significant wave height data (referred to as Level 2P (L2P) data) with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 3 Remote Sensing Significant Wave Height product, which provides along-track data at approximately 6 km spatial resolution, separated per satellite and pass, including all measurements with flags, corrections and extra parameters from other sources. These are expert products with rich content and no data loss. The altimeter data used in the Sea State CCI dataset v3 come from multiple satellite missions spanning from 2002 to 2022021 (Envisat, CryoSat-2, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL, Sentinel-3A), therefore spanning over a shorter time range than version 1.1. Unlike version 1.1, this version 3 involved a complete and consistent retracking of all the included altimeters. Many altimeters are bi-frequency (Ku-C or Ku-S) and only measurements in Ku band were used, for consistency reasons, being available on each altimeter but SARAL (Ka band).

  • The ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced global multi-sensor time-series of along-track satellite altimeter significant wave height data (referred to as Level 4 (L4) data) with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 3 Remote Sensing Significant Wave Height product, gridded over a global regular cylindrical projection (1°x1° resolution), averaging valid and good measurements from all available altimeters on a monthly basis (using the L2P products also available). These L4 products are meant for statistics and visualization. The altimeter data used in the Sea State CCI dataset v3 come from multiple satellite missions spanning from 2002 to 2021 ( Envisat, CryoSat-2, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL, Sentinel-3A), therefore spanning over a shorter time range than version 1.1. Unlike version 1.1, this version 3 involved a complete and consistent retracking of all the included altimeters. Many altimeters are bi-frequency (Ku-C or Ku-S) and only measurements in Ku band were used, for consistency reasons, being available on each altimeter but SARAL (Ka band).

  • The ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced global multi-sensor time-series of along-track satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) significant wave height (SWH) data (referred to as SAR WV onboard Sentinel-1 Level 2P (L2P) SWH data) with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Sentinel-1 SAR Remote Sensing Significant Wave Height product (version 1.0), which is part of the ESA Sea State CCI Version 3.0 release. This product provides along-track SWH measurements at 20km resolution every 100km, processed using the Quach et al statistical model , separated per satellite and pass, including all measurements with flags, corrections and extra parameters from other sources. These are expert products with rich content and no data loss. The SAR Wave Mode data used in the Sea State CCI dataset v3 come from Sentinel-1 satellite missions spanning from 2015 to 2021 (Sentinel-1 A, Sentinel-1 B).

  • These datasets contain 4D (x, y, z, t) weekly temperature and marine heatwaves (MHW) categories estimated from the surface up to 300-m depth, at a 0.25°x0.25° horizontal grid resolution and for 4 areas of interest that are: • Area 1 (around the Madeira Islands): 30°N-35°N, 15°W-20°W • Area 2 (Tropical Pacific Ocean): 30°S-30°N, 120°E-130°W • Area 3 (Mediterranean Sea): 40°N-45°N, 15°W-20°W • Area 4 (Global): 82.875°S-89.875°N, 0.125°E-359.875°E The weekly MHW are centered on the date of the file (±3days). For the temperature reconstruction, 2 approaches have been used: - for the regional areas, the temperature has been computed with a 2 steps method: a first estimate of the vertical temperature profiles by using a machine learning approach (Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)) and then, a combination of this field with in situ temperature profiles observations through an optimal interpolation algorithm. The Copernicus Marine Service ARMOR3D dataset was used as the targeted temperature field for the MLP. The input data used are: • First step: ◦ SST data are from daily OSTIA analyses [from Copernicus Marine Service: SST_GLO_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_011 product] interpolated over the 0.25°x0.25° targeted grid resolution; ◦ SLA data are from the Copernicus Marine Service product SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_047/dataset-duacs-rep-global-merged-allsat-phy-l4 • Second step: ◦ The in situ data are from the Copernicus Marine Service In Situ TAC and contains several observations type: CTD, Argo floats, drifting buoys, moorings, marine mammals). - For the global area, the temperature comes from the Copernicus Marine Service product ARMOR3D (MULTIOBS_GLO_PHY_TSUV_3D_MYNRT_015_012 ( The MHW categories are derived from the Hobday’s method [Hobday et al.,2018] for the 4 areas. Each MHW event is classified among four categories (moderate to extreme), identified in terms of multiples of the local difference between the 90th percentile and climatological values, and defined as moderate (1-2×, Category I), strong (2-3×, Category II), severe (3-4×, Category III), and extreme (>4×, Category IV). When the category is zero, this means that there is no MHW. The period 1993-2021 is used as a baseline for defining the climatology to be as close as possible to the 30-year period suggested by Hobday. This choice is motivated by the need of altimetry data to constrain the vertical temperature reconstruction, which is required for most ocean reanalyses as well, therefore the baseline period slightly differs from the one used for the 2D atlas.

  • The ESA Sea State Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced global multi-sensor time-series of along-track satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) integrated sea state parameters (ISSP) data from Sentinel-1 (referred to as SAR WV onboard Sentinel-1 Level 2P (L2P) ISSP data) with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Sentinel-1 SAR Remote Sensing Integrated Sea State Parameter product (v1.0), which forms part of the ESA Sea State CCI version 3.0 release. This product provides along-track primary significant wave height measurements and secondary sea state parameters, calibrated with CMEMS model data and reference in situ measurements at 20km resolution every 100km, processed using the Pleskachevsky et. al., 2021 emprical model, separated per satellite and pass, including all measurements with flags and uncertainty estimates. These are expert products with rich content and no data loss. The SAR Wave Mode data used in the Sea State CCI SAR WV onboard Sentinel-1 Level 2P (L2P) ISSP v3 dataset come from the Sentinel-1 satellite missions spanning from 2014 to 2021 (Sentinel-1 A, Sentinel-1 B).