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'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' These products integrate wave observations aggregated and validated from the Regional EuroGOOS consortium (Arctic-ROOS, BOOS, NOOS, IBI-ROOS, MONGOOS) and Black Sea GOOS as well as from National Data Centers (NODCs) and JCOMM global systems (OceanSITES, DBCP) and the Global telecommunication system (GTS) used by the Met Offices. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation delivered in delayed mode. This In Situ delayed mode product integrates the best available version of in situ oxygen, chlorophyll / fluorescence and nutrients data '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description''' This product is entirely dedicated to ocean current data observed in near-real time. Current data from 3 different types of instruments are distributed: * The near-surface zonal and meridional velocities calculated along the trajectories of the drifting buoys which are part of the DBCP’s Global Drifter Program. These data are delivered together with wind stress components, surface temperature and a wind-slippage correction for drogue-off and drogue-on drifters trajectories. * The near-surface zonal and meridional total velocities, and near-surface radial velocities, measured by High Frequency radars that are part of the European High Frequency radar Network. These data are delivered together with standard deviation of near-surface zonal and meridional raw velocities, Geometrical Dilution of Precision (GDOP), quality flags and metadata. * The zonal and meridional velocities, at parking depth and in surface, calculated along the trajectories of the floats which are part of the Argo Program. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description:''' Global Ocean - near real-time (NRT) in situ quality controlled observations, hourly updated and distributed by INSTAC within 24-48 hours from acquisition in average. Data are collected mainly through global networks (Argo, OceanSites, GOSUD, EGO) and through the GTS '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- Gridded objective analysis fields of temperature and salinity using profiles from the in-situ near real time database are produced monthly. Objective analysis is based on a statistical estimation method that allows presenting a synthesis and a validation of the dataset, providing a support for localized experience (cruises), providing a validation source for operational models, observing seasonal cycle and inter-annual variability. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description:''' Global Ocean- in-situ Near Real time Carbon observations. The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. This Near-Real Time product contains observations of temperature, salinity and fugacity of carbon dioxide from the surface ocean. These data are collected from ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre ( operational stations, using Standard Operating Procedures for the ocean carbon community. The data are quality controlled using the software QuinCe, which provides automatic Quality Control in the form of range checks, constant value and excessive gradient detection. This product is updated with new observations at a maximum frequency of once a day, depending on the connection capabilities of the platform.
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Global Ocean- in-situ reprocessed Carbon observations. This product contains observations and gridded files from two up-to-date carbon and biogeochemistry community data products: Surface Ocean Carbon ATlas SOCATv2021 and GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project GLODAPv2.2021. The SOCATv2021-OBS dataset contains >25 million observations of fugacity of CO2 of the surface global ocean from 1957 to early 2021. The quality control procedures are described in Bakker et al. (2016). These observations form the basis of the gridded products included in SOCATv2020-GRIDDED: monthly, yearly and decadal averages of fCO2 over a 1x1 degree grid over the global ocean, and a 0.25x0.25 degree, monthly average for the coastal ocean. GLODAPv2.2021-OBS contains >1 million observations from individual seawater samples of temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH from 1972 to 2019. These data were subjected to an extensive quality control and bias correction described in Olsen et al. (2020). GLODAPv2-GRIDDED contains global climatologies for temperature, salinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH over a 1x1 degree horizontal grid and 33 standard depths using the observations from the previous iteration of GLODAP, GLODAPv2. SOCAT and GLODAP are based on community, largely volunteer efforts, and the data providers will appreciate that those who use the data cite the corresponding articles (see References below) in order to support future sustainability of the data products. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Mediterranean Sea - near real-time (NRT) in situ quality controlled observations, hourly updated and distributed by INSTAC within 24-48 hours from acquisition in average '''DOI (product) :'''
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Global Ocean- in-situ reprocessed Carbon observations. This product contains observations and gridded files from two up-to-date carbon and biogeochemistry community data products: Surface Ocean Carbon ATlas SOCATv2021 and GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project GLODAPv2.2021. The SOCATv2022-OBS dataset contains >25 million observations of fugacity of CO2 of the surface global ocean from 1957 to early 2022. The quality control procedures are described in Bakker et al. (2016). These observations form the basis of the gridded products included in SOCATv2020-GRIDDED: monthly, yearly and decadal averages of fCO2 over a 1x1 degree grid over the global ocean, and a 0.25x0.25 degree, monthly average for the coastal ocean. GLODAPv2.2022-OBS contains >1 million observations from individual seawater samples of temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH from 1972 to 2020. These data were subjected to an extensive quality control and bias correction described in Olsen et al. (2020). GLODAPv2-GRIDDED contains global climatologies for temperature, salinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pH over a 1x1 degree horizontal grid and 33 standard depths using the observations from the previous iteration of GLODAP, GLODAPv2. SOCAT and GLODAP are based on community, largely volunteer efforts, and the data providers will appreciate that those who use the data cite the corresponding articles (see References below) in order to support future sustainability of the data products. '''DOI (product) :'''
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- In-situ observation yearly delivery in delayed mode. The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for temperature and salinity measurements. These data are collected from main global networks (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, World Ocean Database) completed by European data provided by EUROGOOS regional systems and national system by the regional INS TAC components. It is updated on a yearly basis. The time coverage has been extended in the past by integration of EN4 data for the period 1950-1990. Acces through CMEMS Catalogue after registration: '''Detailed description: ''' Ocean circulation models need information on the interior of the ocean to be able to generate accurate forecast. This information is only available from in-situ measurement. However this information is acquired all around the world and not easily available to the operational users. Therefore, INS TAC , by connecting to a lot of international networks, collects, controls and disseminates the relevant in-situ data to operational users . For reanalysis purposes, operational centres needs to access to the best available datasets with the best possible coverage and where additional quality control procedures have been performed. This dataset suits research community needs Each year, a new release of this product is issued containing all the observations gathered by the INS TAC global component operated by Coriolis. '''Processing information:''' From the near real time INS TAC product validated on a daily and weekly basis for forecasting purposes, a scientifically validated product is created . It s a ""reference product"" updated on a yearly basis. This product has been controlled using an objective analysis (statistical tests) method and a visual quality control (QC). This QC procedure has been developed with the main objective to improve the quality of the dataset to the level required by the climate application and the physical ocean re-analysis activities. It provides T and S weekly gridded fields and individual profiles both on their original level and interpolated level. The measured parameters, depending on the data source, are : temperature, salinity. The reference level of measurements is immersion (in meters) or pressure (in decibars). The EN4 data were converted to the CORA NetCDF format without any additional validation. '''Quality/accuracy/calibration information:''' The process is done in two steps using two different time windows, corresponding to two runs of objective analysis, with an additional visual QC inserted between. The first run was done on a window of three weeks, to capture the most doubtful profiles which were then checked visually by an operator to decide whether or not it was bad data or real oceanic phenomena. The second run was done on a weekly basis to fit the modelling needs. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses: ''' The product is designed for assimilation into operational models operated by ocean forecasting centres for reanalysis purposes or for research community. These users need data aggregated and quality controlled in a reliable and documented manner.